Looking the Other WayThe old lady looked at the two of us and smiled. Looking 
at her with confusion I had no idea what could be so funny. “You two make a 
lovely couple, did you know that.” The old lady explained her smile. “Um, thank 
you madam. However, we’re not interested in any readings today.” Lestat put his 
arm around me and pulled to get away. “Who ever said that I was going to give 
you readings!” The little old woman got up from her booth and put out her hand. 
“Please have a seat.” “Why?” I wished to know what this foolish woman wanted. 
“To show you two that you were always meant to be together.” “Excuse me, but I 
think you’d better try that with the tourists.” Lestat pulled me harder, but 
the woman just looked at us and smiled. “You wish to separate from him,” she 
pointed at me, “because you feel that now that your powers are equal, he should 
treat you as an equal. However, that is not the case.” She stopped us both on 
our tracks and made my heart stop for a second. Lestat looked down at me and 
then at the old woman. “What do you want old woman?” “My aren’t we being nasty 
today.” The old woman smiled and sat down on her chair. “Just because the two 
of you are vampires doesn’t scare me boy. I’ve met nastier beings.” Seeing that 
the two of us would not move she telepathically moved the chairs out so that we 
could sit. “Please have a seat.” We looked at each other, “Louis should we sit 
down?” “What ever you want love!” Narrowing his eyes, Lestat moved to the right 
chair and I sat on the left. “Why do you wish to speak to us?” “You always ask 
the right questions. Truly, why should I bother with beings like you?” “Look 
lady, if you’re going to go Yoda on us, I really don’t care for the deep 
questions of life.” Smiling she spread the ‘Rider’ deck in the form of the 
Celtic cross. “What if I could tell you what your life would have been if 
Magnus had never carried you off.” “What?” Lestat looked at her in confusion 
and wonder. “And what if Paul had not died. What would have happened to you 
Louis.” Turning the cards slowly she pointed at the card of death and then at 
the card of the tower. “Could you tell us those things?” Lestat asked in 
wonderment. “Yes my boy and much more.” “Lestat how old were you when you ran 
away to Paris with Nicolas?” “I was twenty.” “Really?” The old lady raised her 
eyebrow. “From what I see, you were barely nineteen when you left.” Lestat 
smiled and bowed his head. “My next question, is how in the world could you 
make love to such a man.” She looked Lestat in disgust and he blushed and bowed 
his head in embarrassment. “Nicholas and myself had gotten into a fight, he 
needed to be punished. Oh and we never did make love, woman. We only flirted!” 
Lestat said annoyed that this old woman had discovered an old lover of his. I 
looked at him in surprise for I thought that I had seen all of Lestat’s old 
loves, what was the blond not telling me? “That Lestat loved to pleasure 
himself more than anything else!” “That, madam, I already knew.” I felt Lestat 
jab me on the side with his arm. “Who is this man?” When Lestat would not 
answer the old lady began to talk. “His name was Count Jacque de Fontainebleau. 
A rich nobleman who loved the theatre, drinking and your body!” The old lady 
put her wrinkled hand out and Lestat put his hand in hers. “Are you ready to 
find out that big what if question that has been looming in your mind for so 
long.” “Yes.” Lestat whispered, “Yes I am ready.” Closing her eyes she began to 
tell Lestat’s life. You had just finished doing your act as Lelio and as always 
were fantastic. The crowd still called out your characters name, even though it 
was Nicolas turn for some attention. It was tempting for you to go out there 
and bask some more applause, but as you looked from behind the curtain, you saw 
that Nicolas was quite enraged that these peasants did not wish to hear his 
playing. As you prepared to get ready to clean the back stage, you dropped your 
hat and bent down to get it. As you were getting up, you saw a pair of fine 
stocking in front of you, as you slowly got up, you saw that a fine nobleman 
was standing in front of you. He was about your height, though, an inch or two 
shorter. He had fine black hair and soft brown eyes. A very fine looking 
nobleman, actually. Smiling, you asked if he had gotten lost or needed any 
help. “I have come here to see you Lelio.” The man purred out your characters 
name. At this time you thought that this man was from another company and 
wanted you to join their acting company. “Really! Well how can I help you?” You 
asked with such enthusiasm in your voice. “I was walking by the boulevard when 
I heard the most beautiful voice coming from such an unrefined place. I knew 
that at once I would have to see who this beauty was, and was pleasantly 
surprised to see that the person’s beauty even out did the voice.” The 
gentleman said and picked up your hand to kiss it. By know it had dawned on you 
what this man really wanted and you were not the least happy. “Well, thank you 
sir. I’m glad that you enjoyed the performance. However, I have to go.” At that 
you walked out and joined Nicolas, who was entering the back stage. “Kiss me.” 
You whispered into Nicolas’ ear, but he just turned to you with a horrified 
face. “Have you lost your mind! We can be put to our deaths if we’re caught.” 
Sighing you looked at the gentleman and frowned as he approached the two of 
you. “Sir that has to have been the best solo I have ever heard. What in the 
world are you playing it in here.” “It’s the only place that would hire us, 
sir. Now if you will excuse us, we have work to do.” Nicolas, grabbed your arm 
and pushed you to the dressing room. Not saying a word he packed his things and 
walked out of the room. You just sat there and thought over what happened when 
the mysterious nobleman entered your room. “Please forgive me. I did not mean 
to frighten you.” “Frighten me. You cannot frighten me. I too am of noble birth 
sir, and would appreciate if you treated me as such and not as some common 
whore.” “My, then do forgive me sir. I am Count Jacque de Fontainebleau and 
whom might you be.” “Lord Lestat de Lioncourt from Auvergne.” “Auvergne, you 
say! I believe then that our ancestors fought together in the wars against the 
Spanish succession with the Sun King. It is a pleasure to meet you my lord. 
However, what are you doing in this place?” “Well what did it look like I was 
doing. I’m an actor.” “Then I will have to come here more often to see your 
performances.” The Count again kissed your hand. “Please I invite you to visit 
my home tomorrow afternoon. It would be an honour to have someone from such a 
prestigious family have visit me.” He smiled and started to walk off, “Oh, and 
you can bring your friend if he wishes.” With that he left and you picked up 
your things and left shortly after. When you reached your apartment, you told 
Nicolas of this and he was infuriated with this man’s offer. He tells you that 
the nobleman, only wants to have sex with you and lead you into a life of 
services. Yet, you state that it would be interesting to see what this man 
could offer them. If it also meant that you would have to sell yourself a bit, 
you were willing to give head way, as long as something better was on the other 
side. Nicolas flatly refused to converse with you further that night and 
ignored all of your pleas to go with you. Finally tired you go to sleep and 
plan your wardrobe for the big event tomorrow afternoon. “I’m sorry, but didn’t 
I see Magnus for the first time the very next night?” Lestat suddenly asked. 
“We’ll get to that shortly.” The following afternoon you scramble to get your 
best clothes and even take some of Nicolas’ items. Washing yourself and 
dressing in your finest, you put your red cape on and look ready to meet the 
King himself. Taking some coins that you had, you pay for a carriage to take 
you to the Count’s palace. Arriving at the gates, you stand in awe of the 
structure. All you see is gold and columns, unlike anywhere else. Stepping off 
the carriage you tell the porter who you are and are surprised that the man is 
friendly to all your questions about the estate. Walking inside, you pause and 
look around you. The finest furniture, chandeliers, rugs, and upholstery 
decorate this palace. More items than you could ever know about in your 
lifetime. Still with the same porter, you look inside the doorways and anywhere 
that light may be coming from and feel that there is something odd about this 
palace. However, you push all those doubts aside when you encounter the Count 
still in his nightclothes. “Good afternoon Count Jacques.” “Lelio, I’m so happy 
that you came.” Putting his arms around you, he kisses both of your cheeks and 
your lips. “Please follow me.” Still with his arm around your waist he leads 
you to the garden in the back where there is food for all of the staff in the 
house. “Where is your violinist friend?” The Count asked as an after thought. 
“Oh, he had a previous commitment and sends his regrets for missing your 
invitation.” You said after removing your coat. The sun was especially brutal 
for you and you shielded your eyes in order to see the Count in front of you. 
Seeing your discomfort, he called for his servant to bring an umbrella and 
shield you from the sun. “Would not want to damage such beautiful skin.” He 
touched your cheek and his finger down your jaw. “How old are you beautiful 
Lelio?” “Nineteen, but I will be turning twenty in one month.” You smiled at 
the wonderful achievement of growing a year older. “Do you notice anything odd 
with my palace Lelio?” Somewhat confused with his question you look around for 
anything that might stick out. “Besides that the decorations for the palace and 
gardens are the most beautiful which I have ever seen, no I don’t see anything 
odd.” “Look a little harder.” Doing so, you look at the gardeners, who are all 
young men. You then turn to face the house and see some more young men and boys 
cleaning the windows and getting things fixed. Looking to the servant holding 
the umbrella, you see that he is to somewhat young and fine looking. Dawning on 
you what his question meant you look back at the Count. “You only have young 
men working in this palace.” “Yes. That’s good. So you are aware of what I am.” 
“A sodomite?” “Sodomite, is rather crude in my eyes. I prefer to look at it as 
showing a true appreciation for my fellow man.” Getting up, he picked up your 
hand kissed it. Satisfied that you did not scream at him or pull your hand away 
he continued. “I wish to make an offer to you Lelio.” “What kind?” “One that 
would make you happy and satisfied for the rest of your life.” “How can you 
presume that I will be happy with something, if you have no idea of who I am.” 
Smiling down at you, he disrobes and stands naked in front of you. He begins to 
laugh when he sees your deep blush and takes your hand to place it over his 
member. At this you yank your hand away and look at him with repulsion. “If you 
think that you can make a whore out of me, than you should better find some one 
else. For I will not sit and be embarrassed by men like you.” Getting up you 
walk back to the palace but are stopped by two large men holding each of your 
arms. Turning you around the Count puts on his robe and walks slowly up to you. 
“Foolish child. I offer you security and happiness beyond your wildest dreams. 
How dare you throw such a wish away.” He grabbed your chin and forced you to 
look him straight in the eye. “I offer this paradise to you boy, think 
carefully before deciding your fate.” Looking him in the eye you come to your 
decision. “May you rot in hell! You bastard.” Hearing this the Count frowns and 
slaps you hard on the face. The guards at the same time tie your hands and 
force you to kneel down before the Count. “For one so old you are quiet stupid. 
One last time, my stubborn child.” Looking at the guards and then at the Count 
you know what another refusal will cost you, but devil himself would never 
accept such a badly made offer. “You never even bothered to ask for my real 
name.” You say and receive another slap from the Count. “Do what you wish to 
this peasant. I never want to see him again.” The count walks off towards the 
palace and the guards pick you up and take you to their quarters. Screaming and 
yelling you try in vain to escape, but they hold your feet together and put a 
ball of cloth inside of your mouth. Crying now, you know that there is no 
chance of escape and go limp so that they will not hurt you as much. Throwing 
your body on a soft bed, you hear one of them call fresh meat and hear a 
clamour of men entering the room. The guards remove your clothing and gawk at 
your body at the same time. You begin to cry harder and moan prayers that 
something may save you from your fate, but nothing does and face down the head 
guard smacks his own penis to get it hardened and enters your stiff body. 
Screaming from the pain, everyone laughs at your pleas and feel more hands 
touching and probing your body. By the end, you lose track of how many have 
entered your body. You stop crying and just look at the wall or ceiling while 
they play with you. You do know that it is nightfall and that there is no 
chance of you being able to get to the theatre on time. They would replace you 
with someone else and you would remain here as puppet for these men. Suddenly 
everyone in the room goes quiet and a ruffle of feet is heard leaving the room. 
A soft hand touches your behind and a finger is put inside of you. By this 
time, you no longer feel any pain and just continue staring at the wall. “Come 
on boy. At least acknowledge that I feel softer than those rough bulls.” The 
Counts voice pierces through your head. Not getting any response he turns your 
body over and sees you wince with pain because of your backside. “Those bulls 
really don’t know how to treat fine pottery. Look at you.” He kisses your eyes 
and removes the cloth from your mouth. Calling two guards they come and untie 
your hands sit on them while the Count begins to play with your nipples and 
penis. “While the brutes love to keep their subjects in the table position, I 
prefer to face my lovers and see their lovely faces turn into pleasure.” He 
bent his lips to touch your cock and run his tongue up and down. You neither 
moved nor muffled as the Count did this, which led him to bite you mid way. 
Crying out in pain you move your hips away from him. “Or as in these special 
cases I love to see my lovers whither in pain.” He told one of the guards to 
remove his pants and put his penis inside your mouth. The other was told to put 
his inside of you, while the Count would suck you dry. Had it been any other 
three-way encounter you would have been enthralled with this activity. However, 
all that you felt was pain and humiliation of being unmanned. Time passed and 
they finally decide to stop. Congratulating each other for a wonderful job 
done. The three men leave you alone and dead. More time passes and you realize 
that you are free to go and slowly get off the bed. You cannot find any piece 
of clothing, besides your cape and gently wrap that around your bruised and 
battered body. You have a hard time walking and decide to take small steps all 
the way back home. Ashamed you wonder at what Nicolas will say about you now. 
You hear his laugh inside of your head and begin to cry harder at this sound. 
Tripping over some wood that was lying on the floor, you do not move and cry 
for your life in the middle of the street. You no longer care if thieves come 
and steal your cape. You feel that you are no longer anything and part of you 
only wishes to die. That is when you feel a hand touch your back. “Sir, are you 
all right?” It sounds like a voice of a child. Yet this child is strong and 
kind enough to help you sit up calm your tears. When you finally stopped your 
weeping, you look at this boy and see that he is all dirty and thin as a 
peasant. He smiles and bows his head slightly only to look back at you with 
seriousness in his brown eyes. “What have they done to you?” You are about to 
respond but as soon as you open your mouth no sound comes out, only vomit of 
everything that you were forced to swallow. Getting everything out of your 
system, you realize that you also threw up over the boy and immediately 
apologize. “Shh, do not worry, Lestat. This is nothing.” You look at the boy 
and puzzlement, for you know that you have not said your name. Yet, it does not 
matter and are only more than happy that he hugs you for support. Looking into 
his eyes, you see that he is crying only thing is that they are not clear, but 
that of blood. “Shh, do not cry for no one.” You whisper into his ear. But his 
tears only become more forceful and anguished. “I’m sorry. I thought you were 
some one else.” He kisses your lips and goes down to your neck. Sinking his 
fangs into your stream you feel the most beautiful sensation travel through 
your body. Something that you have never felt; not even in the arms of your 
lover Nicolas. This boy stops his drinking and lifts up his head. You lift up 
your arm and touch his cheek to brush away his tears. “What is your name?” 
“Amadeo. I mean, no, it’s Armand.” He shakes his head at his correction looks 
into your eyes. “Your beautiful Amadeo/Armand.” “Thank you, so are you.” “No 
I’m not.” Armand laughs at this and puts your head on his chest, where you feel 
his strong heart beat. Raking his hand through your hair, he lifts your head 
and kisses your lips, where you feel him drinking the rest of you. Your last 
thought as you begin to feel light headed is Thank you Armand and die silently 
in his arms. The old lady took her hand away and shook her head. “My, now 
wasn’t that something.” She smiled and looked at Lestat’s pale face. “Oh, by 
the way, Armand was going to make you into a vampire, but you died before he 
could give you his blood.” Lestat did not move an inch and just stared at her 
in horror. “Is that how my life would have ended had Magnus not found me?” 
“Yes.” “What does this mean though?” I asked in place for Lestat. “That you my 
dear were and have always been meant to be a vampire and nothing more.” The old 
lady smiled and patted Lestat’s arm and asked a neighbour to bring her a diet 
coke. “Well, my boy are you ready for yours?” She turned around and saw Lestat 
cry on my shoulder. I tried to calm him, when suddenly I received a call from 
Armand. --Louis, what the hell was that?-- --What did you see?-- --Lestat as a 
mortal, in a scenario that I know never happened. What in the world is that man 
crying over now?-- --I’ll explain it all later on. Please do not call upon 
either of us for the next while.-- --Is everything okay?-- --I believe so.-- 
--Bye Armand.-- Lestat interrupted our conversation. --Bye!!-- He left us and 
Lestat once again regained some composer. “Well, Louis are you ready for 
yours?” “I believe so.” “Lets get started then.” The old lady sat down with a 
coke in hand. Louis was incredibly nervous of what his future might have been. 
I know that he wished for his younger brother to have lived into old age and 
the two would sit by the fire of their mansion and talk about the ‘old times.’ 
Yet if that should be the case, we would have never met. Maybe that in itself 
was a good thing. I put my hand out and clasped Louis’ shaken hand. Yes he was 
afraid of what the old lady might tell him. Especially if it went anything like 
mine had. “Please do not be afraid, young one. For your path lies quiet 
differently than your partners.” Putting down the coke she again put out her 
hand and asked Louis to put his hand in hers. Louis looked at me and then at 
his hands. “Please begin when you wish.” The old lady nodded and closed her 

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