Looking the Other WayYou loved your brother with all your heart and had wished 
to give him anything, which would make him happy. With your sister, you were 
always looking for a suitable husband that would make her happy. With your 
mother, you just wanted her to be happy and proud of you. All this you did, 
without ever seeking any personal gain. You read, listened, and thought 
carefully about what you said before saying it. You were well respected and 
loved by those all around you, including your slaves. However, your brother was 
becoming rather fanatical with his worship to the Christian god and tried to 
push his ideals unto you and the entire family. The night that he asked you to 
sell the entire plantation and move back to France, the two of you argued but 
you saw what this meant to him and decided to make a compromise. He was 
incredibly stubborn and would fight to the end of the world for what he wanted, 
however, he also knew when to stop and be happy with what he would receive. You 
promised that you would sell a few items and that he could then go to France by 
himself and aid the country. Paul tried to get you to come, but stating that 
your priorities are different you could not leave people who depend on you for 
survival. He understood and walked to his room to sleep, instead of going down 
those fateful steps. “Oh it’s good to hear that Paul did not die.” Louis smiled 
nervously, “well I guess that’s it then.” Getting up the old lady put her hand 
on his arm. “Sit, we are not even near the end.” Waiting for Louis to relax, 
she looked at me and again closed her eyes. The day in New Orleans, before Paul 
was to leave, the two of you talked and said your deepest emotions to each 
other. You were terribly afraid that he was going to die in France and did 
mention it a few times that he may never come back. “Louis please understand 
that I must do this for the Lord and Lady.” He smiled and hugged you. “I know, 
it is just that I am afraid that I will never see you again.” “Louis should I 
die, please do not mourn over my soul. I will be a heaven watching over you and 
the entire family. You have done so much for me already, brother, and I thank 
you.” That same night, you held a small gathering to bid farewell to Paul and 
were surprised when an unknown stranger entered your house. Asking around, 
nobody knew whom this man was, but there was something about him that 
automatically attracted you to him. Walking towards him you were about to 
welcome him, when you actually saw all of his features for the first time. His 
blond hair was loosely tied but still allowed a few strands to fall on his 
face. He had blue eyes that even rivalled the brightest of blue skies and the 
expression in them is what had you enthralled. He opened his mouth to say 
something but no sound came. You too opened your mouth and yet no sound came. 
Quickly you kissed him on the cheeks and saw a faint blush colour them. “Thank 
you.” He said with a smile and stared into your eyes. “For what?” You could not 
let go of his eyes. “For….for,” taking a breath he looked down. “For welcoming 
me into your home.” Smiling, you touched his arm and turned to see two police 
officers at the door. Becoming slightly alarmed you remained calm and asked 
what was the matter. “Monsieur Pointe du Lac?” “Yes.” “We wish to speak to you 
in private?” “Uhm, yes. We will go into my office.” Taking the officers to your 
small office, you sat down while they, with grave faces, stood in front of you. 
“We have some terrible news about your younger brother.” The elder policeman 
said. Expecting it to be of something else, this announcement took you 
completely by surprise. “What do you mean ‘some terrible news’?” “We have found 
your brother on the side of the road, near your home. His horse was no where in 
sight, but he had broken his leg, arm and neck.” The younger officer bluntly 
told you and got a jab in the back. “How?” “He fell off his horse.” “Oh.” You 
got up and walked to the cabinet full of liquor. “Where is his body?” “It is at 
the morgue, sir.” “How do you know that it is my brother?” “He was carrying 
this piece of information.” The older officer handed to you Paul’s papers and 
various other little items that he had at the time of his fall. Realizing that 
what the officers told were true, you broke down and cried. Your mother who had 
been close to the door heard your muffled cries and entered the room. “Louis, 
my son, what is the matter.” She rushed to your side. “Mom, please sit down.” 
After hearing the news she cried and wailed for her lost youngest. Soon the 
whole crowd knew of the sad event and left wishing you their deepest 
sympathies. The last person to leave was the blond stranger who had held you so 
enthralled. Walking into your office he sat down on the couch beside you. 
Noticing that the wine bottle was already half drunk, he took your glass away 
and threw the wine away. “Who do you think you are that you can come into MY 
house, uninvited and throw MY wine away and come into MY office with out MY 
permission….and hug me without my asking….and….and….” You cried on his shoulder 
and just let your self be confronted in a way that you have never have felt 
before. Time passed and neither of you had moved nor spoke to each other. 
“Thank you.” You whispered to him as he picked you up and carried you to your 
room. Not objecting to his cold touch you wrapped your arms around his neck and 
rested your head on his shoulder. Even though, your room was not far way for 
the office you fell asleep and dreamed nothing. “I thought you said that Paul 
would not have died in this sham.” Louis yelled at the old lady. “My boy, you 
of all people should know that some are fated to die, and if they do not die 
one way, death will find another way to claim their soul.” “So what makes this 
‘reality’ different from the one that I had to live through?” “You did not feel 
guilty for his death.” The old lady closed her eyes and continued. The next day 
was a nightmare as you had to prepare for the funeral and try and manage the 
household duties. Your mother and sister just cried and did nothing to help 
you. Evening came and you just were looking forward to some drinking when a 
servant knocked on the door. “Miche Louis, there is some one to see you.” “No 
there is not! Please send them away. I do not wish to see anybody.” Opening the 
whisky bottle you put it on your lips to drink it. “You know that there are 
other ways to alleviate your pain.” You hear a mysterious voice and turn around 
to see that it is the blond man from the night before. Putting down the bottle 
you look at him and realize that this gentleman is younger than you. “Personal 
experience?” You ask. “You could say that.” He steps up to you and kisses your 
cheeks. Again the two of you just stare at each other until you realize that 
the servant is still waiting by the door. “Please leave us.” You smile and 
watch this mysterious stranger circle your desk and look at the papers all laid 
out. “Thank you for helping me the night before.” “No problem. You looked as if 
you needed that.” “I do not even know your name.” It suddenly dawns that this 
young man knows everything about you and you don’t even know his name. “My name 
is Lestat de Lioncourt.” “Pleasure, I’m Louis de Pointe du Lac.” Lestat smiles 
at your introduction that was not necessary. “Would you like anything to 
drink?” “No, thank you.” Still flipping through the papers he looked at your 
stocks and the amount that your property is making. “Could you please not go 
through my personal items!” “Of course. However, may I make one suggestion.” 
“Yes.” “If I were you, I would take my stocks away from anything pertaining to 
France at the moment and concentrate on the development of this new country.” 
“Really! Do you actually think that the revolution will destroy everything.” “I 
believe that it will.” Lestat sat on the chair and looked up at you. “From 
where in France did you come from?” “My father and myself come from a small 
village called Auvergne. However I was living in Paris when this whole nonsense 
started.” “Oh so you escaped.” You sat on the desk and asked him numerous 
questions about his past. “Do you have a place to stay here in the city.” “We 
do. It’s small and cramp but it’s better than nothing.” “You could always stay 
here, if you want. I rarely come to the city unless it is absolutely 
necessary.” “I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you. Though, I guess I will 
have to cause some trouble here.” “What for?” “So that you will have to come to 
New Orleans more often.” Lestat gets up and touches your cheek. Leaning your 
head to his touch, he lightly kisses your lips and you respond back. Wrapping 
your legs around his waist the two of you only break away when you hear a 
scream and a loud thud on the floor. Turning around, you see that it is your 
mother and run to aid her. “Mama, please wake up…” You and Lestat take her to 
the chair and pat her to wake up. Opening her eyes, she hits the two of you and 
calls you two various names. “Mama please stop. It’s not what you think.” “Not 
what I think…I see my eldest son grabbing this stranger and making sounds that 
no two men should ever make together and you tell me that it is not what I 
think.” She slaps you on the face. “Your brother just died, Louis, do you have 
no decency and respect his passing away.” “He is right, though, it is not what 
you think.” Lestat looks at her and she nods in approval. Getting up she bids 
good night and exits the room with out raising the issue again. You look at 
Lestat in puzzlement, but he also gets up and walks to the door to leave. “I 
would like to continue this friendship with you, Louis. May I come to your 
house tomorrow night?” “Yes of course. Can you come to the funeral?” 
“Unfortunately that I can not do. However, I shall be here as soon as the sun 
sets.” Kissing your cheek Lestat leaves the room and leaves you wondering at 
what just happened. The following days, you conduct the necessary agenda, from 
your brother’s funeral to the distribution of money. While every night you and 
Lestat would get together and discuss various things. Being the time of 
mourning, you did not go out much and greatly loved his company. A full year 
passes and the two of you are always together at night, either at the theatre 
or at a saloon. It was his suggestion that you should give Paul’s money to a 
local orphanage, instead of sending it to France. You also got to meet Lestat’s 
father and were surprised at the difference of between the two. “Why must you 
only come at night? There are so many things that I can show you during the day 
that would make you so happy.” Smiling Lestat leans forward and kisses your 
lips. “Oh being with you is good enough for me.” “I should feel guilty for what 
we do together and yet I feel none of that.” “Oh Lou…you make me feel things 
that I thought were forever dead inside of me.” “And you let me feel things 
that I have never felt before.” “I have been thinking about this for a long 
time Louis.” Lestat holds your hand in his. “We have known each other for a 
year now and I….” Looking you in the eye, Lestat thought over what he was going 
to say. “I have fallen in love with you Louis.” The shock is shown on your face 
but you continue to listen to him. “I usually would not have waited this long 
for anything. However, there is something about you that has stopped me from 
being completely rash.” Taking a few more breaths Lestat leans forward. “Louis, 
do you know what I am.” “Not human!” Your voice quivered. “Yes, I’m not human, 
but you have made me feel more human than I ever thought possible.” “What are 
you then?” “A vampire.” “And you want me to become like you?” “Yes, I would 
love, if you would like to join me on the Devil’s road.” Lestat bends one knee 
and places your hand on his chest. “I want to spend eternity with you, always 
by your side, and you always by mine.” “Together forever!” You say, “May I 
think about this.” You see Lestat face turn into disappointment and he turns 
away from you to hide the tears in his eyes. Turning his head again to face 
you, “I just said that I wish to think about this. It is not my final 
decision.” Kissing his eyes and lips you get up and leave the room. The next 
day you go to the artisan and request that he inscribe in two silver rings, 
Together Forever and have it ready before the sun set. Doing some final 
business, you promote one of your staff to work during the day, while you will 
be gone and dress for the night’s occasion. “Why are you dressed so finely, 
Lou?” It is the first thing that Lestat says when he enters the room. “Do I 
really have to tell you the obvious?” You grin as Lestat stops in his tracks. 
Picking up the box, you hand Lestat his ring, which he reads and begins to cry 
instantly. “I’m sorry, Lou. I usually do not cry, but…oh hell.” He picks you up 
and twirls you around the room. “I’ll make you the happiest vampire on this 
side of the Atlantic.” The two of you laugh and clean Lestat’s face. “However, 
I should have showed you what comes with being a vampire, before you finally 
decide to do this.” “Why?” “Because I do not want you to regret your decision 
later on.” “Okay, take me out tonight and show me what it is to be a vampire.” 
“For the rest of the night, Lestat shows you what he has to do to survive and 
even though you are slightly grossed out, you find that being with him for an 
eternity balances things out. The two of you stay in New Orleans for a few 
years and make sure that your mother and father’s death is mourned out and that 
your sister is properly married before leaving the city. Both of you travel the 
country and then the world.” “Did I not tell you that it would be different 
than your partners!” “Wow!” I hold Louis’ hand. “So we have a fairy tale 
ending!” “You could say that.” “What about Claudia? Does she come into our 
life’s at all?” Louis asks with worry. “Why would she have to? Neither of you 
need her.” “But she was our daughter. She would have died if neither of us had 
found her.” The old lady gave Louis an annoyed look but closed her eyes to 
tried and find our lost daughter. “She was found wondering the streets by 
Lestat. Instead of drinking her, he took her to the orphanage that you had 
graciously donated to. Leaving her there, she grew up and married into a 
working class family. However, neither of you came into a direct action of how 
she should live, besides Lestat taking her to the orphanage.” Sighing as she 
opened her eyes. “Is that what you wanted to know?” “Yes, thank you.” Louis 
smiled and got up. Getting his wallet, he paid her three hundred dollars and 
then I did the same and paid her five hundred. “Thank you madam. What you have 
done is beyond any words.” “No problem boys, I just proved what the two have 
always feared.” She smiled at our obvious confusion. “That you were always 
meant to be vampires and in love with each other, no matter what you may feel 
or others may say.” Walking away, I hug Louis and kiss him on the cheek. “At 
least yours faired much better than mine.” I smiled and felt Louis’ concern at 
my past. “Did you really meet that Count man?” “Yes, only difference then, was 
that I listened to Nicki and did not go. Which meant that Magnus did not meet 
me in the theatre and some one else into his heir.” I thought over what 
actually happened and the 'what if' scenario and thought how lucky I had been 
at the time. “What about yours? Did you like it.” “Of course I did. We met, 
fell in love, and lived happily ever after. What more could I ever ask for.” 
Besides that I wished it happened for real. “I know! I also wished that it 
happened that way.” “How many times have I told you not to read my mind!” “I 
didn’t! I just picked up the thought.” Hitting me he ran down the street and 
began a game of hide and seek. “O Louis, Louis! wherefore art thou my Louis?” 
“Makes you wonder what if Romeo never met Juliet what kind of romance would 
they have had!” Louis said behind my back, making me jump in surprise. “I have 
asked you never to do that.” I put my arm around his waist. “Revenge can be 
sweet.” Louis slips his hand in my back pocket and smiles. We walk quietly when 
suddenly something takes over our bodies and we stop walking and just kiss 
passionately. Letting our desires come forth in a way that I thought neither of 
us would ever do. Time passes and we do not care, for Louis is my world and I 
am his. Only when we stop do I look around and see a group of people gawking us 
and realize that this is where we first met. His former townhouse has been 
demolished and there now stood a modern building. This is where I first drank 
his blood and he my death kiss, both unprepared for the path that fate had 
destined for us and still unprepared for what it has in store. THE END 

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