----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dean Graves Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 11:57 AM

> On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 11:43:51PM -0500, Dean Graves Jr. wrote:
> >    Teach Your Kids to give up their constitutional rights .
> >    They list just 10 rights and suggest that the students give up 5.
> Where ?
> >
> >    This is the Texas V.O.T.E. program for kids.
> >    I stumbled on it when researching our elections .
> >    Read about when the Martians invade and want to take our rights.
> Where ?
> >    This is just 1 lesson plan.
> Are you saying that one of the lessen plans lists 10 rights, etc. ?
> If so, which one ?
>   8th Grade Curriculum
>   Political Symbols
>   Roles of Political Parties
>   Presidential Scavenger Hunt
>   Ethics
>   Mock Election
>   Campaign Evaluation Activity
>   Following a Campaign
>   Campaign Strategies
> or
>   The Legislative Process ?
> I don't have time to read them all.
> Thanks,
> Tom
Hey Tom ,
I heard that Texas pulled the MARTIANS INVADE lesson from the web site
I havent read the other lessons either, but I bet they are filled with crap
When the martians invaded they stated we had too many rights so,
The children were to give up 5 and rate them on a scale of 1 to ten ,
ten being least necessary and 1being the most valuable right .
We dont need those bad guns now do we? How bout a trial by jury?
Anyway on infowars.com today Alex stated it was pulled . Maybe someone has a
Keep up the good work , thanks
I just found it under 8th grade curriculum page 17, its still there .
The Martian is named STHGIR which is  Rights backwards .
HE comes from NAGWITHAL.
He has a bitch with all our rights? Nag with all ?

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