On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 06:51:32PM -0600, Dean Graves Jr. wrote:
> Hey Tom ,
> I heard that Texas pulled the MARTIANS INVADE lesson from the web site
> already.
> I havent read the other lessons either, but I bet they are filled with crap
> too.
> When the martians invaded they stated we had too many rights so,
> The children were to give up 5 and rate them on a scale of 1 to ten ,
> ten being least necessary and 1being the most valuable right .
> We dont need those bad guns now do we? How bout a trial by jury?
> Anyway on infowars.com today Alex stated it was pulled . Maybe someone has a
> copy.
> Keep up the good work , thanks
> P.S.
> I just found it under 8th grade curriculum page 17, its still there .
> The Martian is named STHGIR which is  Rights backwards .
> HE comes from NAGWITHAL.
> He has a bitch with all our rights? Nag with all ?
Thanks Dean - 

Just look at what's implied here about the source of rights, the
confusion between permissions and rights, "democracy", etc. 

This is just too perfectly evil.

  We have looked at some of your laws and the way your government operates
  and have found that they give too much freedom to the individual.
  Therefore, we are going to conduct a survey to try and arrive at a
  decision about which both you and I will be happy. As I have said, I do
  not want to take everything away from you, but I can't allow you to live
  as you have in the past. Therefore, I am giving you a list of ten of the
  rights that you now have according to your Constitution. You are to look
  over the list and decide which of the ten are most important to you. I
  will allow you to keep FIVE of the ten rights, the five which get the
  most votes from all the citizens of the United States.

  Rights and Freedoms
  Directions: Rank from 1 to 10 your most important rights (1-most important,
              10-least important).
  _______ Right to bear arms
  _______ Right to freedom of speech
  _______ Right to legal counsel
  _______ Right to protection from cruel and unusual punishment
  _______ Right to freedom of the press
  _______ Right to jury trial
  _______ Right to freedom of religion
  _______ Right to peacefully assemble
  _______ Protection from self-incrimination
  _______ Right to protection from unreasonable searches and seizures

  You are to rank the following rights in the order in which you would
  give them up, with 1 being the right you would give up last and 10 being
  the one you would give up first. After you have completed your ranking,
  you will receive further instructions.

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