Important notice:  4:00 a.m. The Asian Times story I sent out earlier has been yanked from the Asian Times website and called a hoax.  It is being discussed on the Art Bell show right now as I write this.  Reports are coming in that this story is being picked up by all the mainstream media networks and it's causing an uproar.  The FBI has issued a warning about "spectactular" terrorist attacks.
I think this may be a cleverly designed and carefully orchestrated ploy to ram the Homeland Security bill through Congress. Think about it, look at the timing.  Float a story, yank it, call it hoax, discuss it on Art Bell and then have all the mainstream media pick up on it.  Good way to break the ice. Perfect psy-ops.
I believe there are many truths in this story. Be extremely wary of the way this story gets handled by the mainstream media. Remember nothing is leaked accidently.  If something is leaked, it's leaked on purpose for a reason.  Strongly consider hidden agendas, disinformation and spin potential, with an eye on distracting attention away from something else.  What this all means right now I'm not sure, but I remain highly suspicious.

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