Hi List,

I strongly suggest you visit this link and listen to the Nov
13th interview with Amy Goodman! (uses real player)

Direct link, just click and listen.

Go there and read the text of it and play from the site.

This newly found "law" of schools reporting student information,
goes even deeper, they want our childeren no matter what!  

The head of this recruitment program (says in the interview) 
told interviewer David Goodman of Motherjones News, to his
question of "what happens after a student says no, I don't want
my information sent to the military or anyone?". 

He responded "we will persue them anyway we can, unless they
call their congressman after which, their local govenor will
become involved". 

Later he stated, "my friends are on the front lines fighting for
our country, THIS is my front line, and I take my job very

This regime and it's aborus practices must be STOPPED, what more
can we do? Our calls to the goverenors and senators made no
difference, our faxes went unread (the fax machines were turned
off due to the number of faxes) Did it help, no, they voted for
war, and gave the dictator more power than ANY elected president
we have had so far! 

We protested in the streets, mailed, emailed, wrote letters,
talked until our friends became no longer friends... The
Emergency Health Powers act was STILL voted in to 17 states, and
now that was not good enough- now it is on it's way to be

WHO is listening? What about the votes this past past Nov? Yes,
what about our non-votes as we vote in action and in our hearts
hoping- for some, a knowing "it has to make a differance". Did
it, will it?

Now we again take up the phone, fax, email, mail and... to make
our calls to stop this unread, insidious homeland security bill,
and while our calls are being made, and some "may" do more than
just listen, but will they DO our bidding or that of the
dictators- once again? 

Still Hoping

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