While the FEAR FACTOR is in the news - America goes away
Senator Byrd warned, "American people are being hoodwinked,and Senate should not go along with this sham!
Todays headlines are full of "spectacular threats" to the U.S. from Al Queda.
Hogwash I say. Here's the real deal they are trying to "smokescreen" over
this time - what's left of ANY of our rights. What will be left to fight for?
We hear the word "freedom", but it's pretty much going going, gone. Psy-ops
are being used against AMERICANS more than any other country by our own govt
to scare us into capitulation. Please take action. Toll free # for all of
congress is 1-800-648-3516

Contact your Senator and urge they evaluate, debate, and tread carefully
in transferring so much power to the executive. They are voting
themselves into irrelevancy. They are voting us into living under a

NOVEMBER 11, 2002:
(comments in quotations are Senator Byrds)

Senator Byrd on floor of senate tonight, Thursday, November
14, made another urgent appeal to senators, the American
people and media.

Byrd was distressed that Senators are being pressured to
pass Homeland Security tomorrow, in spite of the fact that
the 484 page bill was only released to them this Tuesday,
a MERE 49 HOURS AGO! Also, this bill has been, according
to Senator Byrd, crafted in secret, senators have not seen the
bill, the bill has not gone through the typical committee process,
there have been no hearings, no witnesses have been heard in
defense of this bill, senators have not had time to read it,
senators do not know what is in this bill, as all this was organized
behind closed doors without the participation of the Senate!

Byrd was particularly upset that senators were being told that
Homeland Security has been exhaustively debated over 7 weeks,
when in truth the actual bill was only received two days ago.

The most alarming find that brought Senator Byrd to the floor
was that the bill was injected with new dangerous provisions.

For example:

It provides for liability for manufacturers on wide array of
items, even in cases where they sell equipment or drugs that
is knowingly defective, they would not be held responsible
unless manufacturer was involved in terrorist act!!!!!!!


It limit liabilities for airline companies that fail to provide
for safety standards!!!!

It reverses an earlier measure thus allowing corporations
to go off shore to evade taxes!!!!

In short, states Senator Byrd, it is filled with provisions that
would "never, ever get through on their own"!!!

(WHOSE homeland are the Bushes trying to secure???
WHO  are they REALLY referring to when they say "the
American people??? Perhaps, the world order plutocrat

Even worse, Byrd finds the bill provides for "A MASSIVE SHIFT
of power from Congress to the executive branch"!!! Byrd
states that the "massive shift of power...would upset balance"
of power. It provides for "expanded authority to executive branch
to conduct its actions in secret...protected from oversight
of Congress...of media...of American people." It will give
"carte blanche" to expand on already pervasive policies of secrecy,
including permission to Ashcroft to act in secrecy." And,
Senator Byrd added, the danger in giving this Justice Department
more secrecy is that "corporate campaign contributors could
push new technologies."

The bill gives "blanket authority...to exempt existing statutes
of federal advisory committees," on which Senator Byrd wondered
why the executive branch would be seeking such sweeping
powers when the current law already gives him the
power to do this on a case by case basis.

The real intent of the administration with this bill, says Byrd,
is the "administration wants to shield itself from any scrutiny of
the Congress, people or media."


Senator Byrd observes that this has been the administration's
mission from the first day in office, stating "they have refused
to share information...cooperate...release documents even after
ordered to do so by courts," and also noting the appointed head of the
new department, Ridge, has stonewalled Congress, media, and
the public by refusing to come before them answer questions about
how Homeland Security would protect the American people.

Also, Senator Byrd points out, that this Homeland Security bill
will do nothing to protect Americans now, and, that "if the president
were serious about Homeland Security we would do more than pass
a feel good bill," we would pass appropriation bills, we would invest in

immediate protection of American people, and money we be made
available now--IF the "whitehouse took shackles off the House and

When it comes to providing for real safety, with the appropriations
Byrd notes, then Bush says we are spending too much money on the
safety of Americans. Bush continues to block the investment that would
truly protect American people from attack today.

Senator Byrd argued that "we are fooling ourselves if we think
the Homeland Security will provide safety. We should name it
"HOmeland Security Delay" as whatever security it may provide
would not be for at least another year. The money could be available
NOW for protection of our country, rather than LATER in COVERT

Byrd concludes "It's nothing but snake oil. It's not enough...Americans
will be less safe," if anything, because of massive confusion
that comes along with massive restructuring. It is only a "feel
good" political move by Bush, says Byrd, which "sounds good,
will make a good headline," but it is passing the appropriations bills
that would provide for real protection, with money that would be
made available now.

Byrd concludes this "is the most cynical and potentially most
devastating game that any administration has played in my
fifty years."

He made strong appeal to senators to defeat cloture, at least
to have time to know what is in this bill. He demanded that
this is no time to "roll over and play dead.' Byrd appealed to
his colleagues, asking them to remember that they each swore
to uphold the Constitution, to protect its checks and
balances, to protect American people and their liberties and
their rights. He warned that senators would be going against
their oaths if they vote for the bill.

Senator Byrd warned, "American people are being hoodwinked,
and Senate should not go along with this sham!

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