On 11 Feb 2012, at 03:12 , Kyle Hamilton wrote:
> What are these 'identities' that need to be asserted with authoritative 
> backing?  I hope you're not just talking about state identities, even though 
> state identity is an important part of it.  The current crop of authoritative 
> information CAs are very good at two things: they know how to authenticate 
> documents, and they know how to authenticate authority (defined as 'a state', 
> or 'the government of a state').  They are probably, in that respect, even 
> better than State Department employees.

Authoritative in terms that they are the recognized source for whatever 
identity data asserted. As Steve already said in this same thread:

On 10 Feb 2012, at 01:22 , Stephen Kent wrote:
> A CA operated by a company is the right CA to identity individuals as
> employees of that company. if the company operates it's domain and
> manages mailboxes for its employees in that domain, then it is he
> right CA to issue certs with employee e-mail addresses.

If we are talking about identity data related to citizenship, then we'll need 
state authorities. Otherwise, the appropriate source shall be used: a company 
for its employees, a university for its students or faculty, and an association 
for its members...

"Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno"

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

e-mail: di...@tid.es
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