On 09/12/2012 03:55 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2012, at 9:11 AM, Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> 
> wrote:
>> We have a BoF chair volunteer who'll be able to
>> help start organising agenda slots etc after the
>> BoF approval call. More on that after the 24th.
> Delurking: that would be me. 

And thanks Paul for taking it on.

> I didn't want to say anything until I had caught up on the list, and I
still haven't, but then again it's not urgent because we don't know
whether we will even get a slot. More later when we do.
> FWIW, I'm the one who proposed 90 minutes instead of the typical 60. My view 
> is that there should be no more than 30-45 minutes of presentations followed 
> by lots of mic talk. I will probably enforce a "presentations must be ready 
> the Monday before the meeting" requirement and will encourage people to start 
> reading and commenting on them then.
> The value of mic time is not "I like this and don't like that", but rather 
> "that one idea on slide 3 makes me think of this other thing that hasn't been 
> discussed yet". Proclamations of "this is great" and "this will never work" 
> are more appropriate on the list; proposals of "if you add this" or "if you 
> change that" are better uses of mic time.
> The fact that we might meet f2f should have little effect on the current 
> discussion.

Right. A number of people have also said "something like this
might be good, not sure what" so if those folks can write up
Internet-drafts too that'd be great since we could discuss 'em
on the list and make better use of f2f time if we get it.


> --Paul Hoffman
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