Stacho Mudrak wrote:

> Great idea, Olly!

It certainly is.  I've been wondering about the problems of keeping two
datasets up to date.  If the conversion from svx to .th requires any
manual editing and is beyond scripting in a Makefile then keeping edits
and fixes in sync would become a huge pain.

> So I suggest to add new command:
> input-centreline <filename>
> It will add survey stations and shots from given (.3d, later may be compass, 
> toporobot, vtopo etc.) file to current survey. This should not be too much 
> work.
> Any comments?

When you say 'current survey' I'm assuming that this would account for
putting dotted station names into subsurveys.  I'd need to process a
whole survey hierarchy at once to benefit from the loop closing in cavern.



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