On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 09:49:24AM +0100, Stacho Mudrak wrote:

>> This is probably ideal solution also for people, that are starting with
>> therion and have their centerline data in different package. If this
>> will be possible, they will not need to convert their dataset to therion
>> format. And reading of .3d file (or any other with processed data, .plt
>> for example) is usually trivial.

The hardest part of reading the file formats is pinning them down.
Larry Fish was very helpful in resolving minor ambiguities in the
Compass file format descriptions, which was very useful when writing
the Survex support for Compass formats.

Without a precise spec or a lot of sample data from a range of sources,
you're likely to end up handling just a subset of the format.

But generally it's going to be easier for processed data formats than
unprocessed data formats as they're written by machines, so the
format-as-defined-by-use has a lot less variation, even if you don't
have a formal specification.

>> So I suggest to add new command:
>> input-centreline <filename>
>> It will add survey stations and shots from given (.3d, later may be
>> compass, toporobot, vtopo etc.) file to current survey. This should not
>> be too much work.

You get compass "for free" with the Survex "img" library - it
transparently reads .plt files (and processed CMAP files).


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