On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 14:56 +0100, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> Quoting marco corvi <marco.corvi at elsag.it>:
> > does the loch-model export handles surface bitmaps
> > together with surface grids ?
> > i know that one can get a neat grey surface if he/she uses a grid.
> > is it possible to put a bitmap on it instead of the grey blanket ?
> Yes (if you have both (grid & bitmap) specified withing single surface  
> object).
> But unfortunatelly, it works only on Win32. I have not find out yet,  
> why it does
> not work on Linux (well very rarely it works on Linux also :).
> Have you tried on windows?

ok, i can create the lox file on linux and see it with loch on windows.
[ only with jpeg bitmap, not png ].
so probably it is a loch problem.

thanks, marco

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