Fantastic, thanks!  Perhaps this is a new feature?  I first learnt
Therion three versions ago, so am not always up to date with the latest
iteration of The Book.
- Ben 

-----Original Message-----
From: therion-bounces at [] On
Behalf Of Ladislav Blazek
Sent: 13 November 2007 11:04
To: therion at
Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

please read the therion book... You can specify LRUD for both points
(From, To). Just use syntax like this:

Data from to compass clino length left right up down
 1 1a   45 10 0.01 [0.0 1.0] [2.0 1.5] [2.2 1.8] [0.5 0.2]

where first number is for "From" point and second one is for "To" point.


Cooper, Ben napsal(a):
> My experience is that the LRUD applies to the "To" station.  In order
> generate the first "From" station LRUD, I manually create a Dummy
> station, 1cm away from the true starting station, as follows:
> E.g.
> Data from to compass clino length left right up down
> # 1 2 45 10 6.00 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 # station 1 LRUD
> 1 1a  45 10 0.01 0.0 2.0 2.2 0.5 # station 1 LRUD
> 1a 2  45 10 5.99 2.0 0.0 2.1 0.6 # station 2 LRUD
> I also find that reverse legs, or dog-legs are not handled well by
> This is not a criticism of Therion, but a confusion with the
> It is not so simple to say that the LRUD applies to the direction of
> survey, because the LRUD applies to a station, which may have legs
> both From and To it.  Therefore, our convention is to record LRUD in
> direction of the passage.  If we turn around, the passage Left and
> remain where they were!  I then need to disentangle this in the .th
> in order to get the XVI looking correct.
> I then create passage-name.th2, insert th XVI, insert station points
> over the centreline, and draw the walls over the LRUD with reference
> any sketches we have produced.  It's that simple.  For stage 2 of our
> surveying project, we plan to print out these "rough" surveys onto
> waterproof paper, and then re-draw the cave onto these sheets while
> actually standing in the cave.  For that purpose, a pdf output of the
> XVI is all we need!
> - Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of Bruce Mutton
> Sent: 12 November 2007 19:09
> To: therion at
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)
> Hi Ben
> My first encounter with Therion was about two weeks ago, and the
> that
> work well for me just seem to keep getting better, but there are some
> (rather critical) things that still escape me, like overlaying scraps
> onto
> the centreline.  I thought I'd see what you had done in the hope it
> would
> shed some light on my problems...
> Anyway, your query.  The email system scrambled your *.th listing, but
> think I patched it up OK.  (Perhaps it's better to attach the file,
> we
> can open it directly with just one double click.)
> My understanding is that the LRUD data apply to the 'from' station,
> the
> 'to' station.  But I see your point, your plots, and the plot attached
> seem
> to indicate something different is going on.
> Bruce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
> Behalf
> Of Cooper, Ben
> Sent: Monday, 12 November 2007 9:37 p.m.
> To: therion at
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)
> Well, I've now upgraded, but am getting strange results.  See attached
> PDFs.  The raw XVI are OK, but in NewPassage_CL.PDF, each LRUD
> parallelogram seems to be flipped over.  Below is the raw
> file.  Note that the centreline output of the entire cave (UF_CL.pdf)
> handles NewPassage slightly better (but still not perfectly) than
> NewPassage on its own.
> Am I doing something wrong?
> - Ben
> encoding  utf-8
> survey NewPassage -title "New Passage"
>   centreline
>     equate 35 at Leg1 51 at Leg2
>   endcentreline
>   survey Leg1 # From Boulder Choke to Walk The Plank
>     centerline
>       flags duplicate # duplicate of Boulder Choke legs for reference
> th2 file.
>         extend right
>         data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
>         bc32 bc33     2.33    201     -54     1.1     0.3     0.5
> 0.3   #33 (Through Easy Squeeze)
>         data normal from to length compass clino
>         bc33 bc34     3.07    239     -39
>         data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
>         bc34 bc35     2.49    231     -57     0.9     0.3     0.5
> 0.6   #35
>         bc35 bc36     2.13    194     -37     0.4     0       0.2
> 0.8   #36
>         bc36 bc37     2.5     141     +06     0.5     0       0.8
> 0     #37
>         bc37 bc38     3.74    139     -09     1.6     0.2     0.7
> 1.5   #38
>         bc38 bc39a    2.75    136     -10     0       1.15    1.6
> 1.0   #39
>         bc39a 1               0.01    136     -10     6       1.15
> 5     1.0     #1 LRUD Est
>       flags not duplicate
>       extend left
>       data normal from to length compass clino
>       1 bc40  11      052     +43
>       extend right
>       mark 1 painted
>       data normal\
>       from    to      length  compass clino   left    right   up
> down
>       1       2       29.46   153     -25     4.3     2.4     4.8
> 1.4 #2
>       station 2 "Emergency Dump"
>       2       3       16.09   144     -04     3.4     3.0     2.9
> 1.4 #3
>       3       4       11.44   142     -11     4.2     2.0     0.9
> 1.6 #4
>       4       5       9.48    142     -29     1.5     1.3     3.4
> 1.2 #5
>       5       6       6.08    166.5   -18     0.2     0.4     2.2
> 0.8 #6
>       6       7       3.22    154     -09     2.0     0.8     0.5
> 0.5 #7
>       7       8       1.75    140     -04     1.7     0.6     1.1
> 1.0 #8
>       8       9       9.27    178.5   -12.5   1.2     1.3     0.5
> 1.0 #9
>       9       10      1.6     159.5   -20.5   0.2     1.3     0.6
> 0.6 #10
>       10      11      2.95    156     -11     0.9     0.3     1.0
> 0.2 #11
>       11      12      5.36    131     +03     1.5     1.2     6.7
> 0.5 #12
>       12      13      8.17    124.5   +06     0       0.7     6.2
> 1.6 #13
>       13      14      8.37    132     +7.5    0.9     2.7     2.2
> 1.8 #14
>       14      15      8.81    147     -10     0.8     2.1     5.4
> 1.4 #15
>       15      16      5.75    235     -10.5   0       1.0     5.6
> 1.0 #16
>       16      17      6.54    272     +2      0.7     0       5.1
> 1.3 #17
>       17      18      2.81    245     -19     0       0.3     0.4
> 0.6 #18
>       18      19      7.54    262     0       0       1.7     5.1
> 0.8 #19
>       19      20      6.03    263     -2      1.0     0.6     3.6
> 0.7 #20
>       20      21      2.26    205     -2      0       0.6     0.6
> 0.5 #21
>       20      20a     4       325     0       0       1       2
> 0.5 #20a estimated LRUD
>       21      22      4.58    162     +9      0.7     0       5.2
> 1.3 #22
>       22      23      4.15    144     -4      1.0     0.2     0.5
> 1.0 #23
>       23      24      13.68   140.5   -2.5    1.5     1.5     4.9
> 0.6 #24
>       24      25      8.61    216     +6      0       2.3     1.5
> 1.8 #25
>       25      26      4.58    304     -13     1.1     0.9     1.8
> 1.0 #26
>       26      27      12.65   281     +1      0.4     1.2     2.2
> 1.3 #27
>       27      28      5.59    304     -5      0.8     1.2     1.2
> 0.9 #28
>       28      29      5.46    275     -6      0.2     1.0     0.5
> 0.4 #29
>       29      30      3.63    312     +2      0.4     0       2.7
> 0.5 #30
>       #31 30  10.16   103     -3.5    0.5     0.8     0.2     1.4 #31
>       30      31      10.16   283     +3.5    0.5     0.8     0.2
> 1.4 #31       REVERSED
>       31      32      4.48    276     +3      1.0     0.4     1.6
> 1.4 #32
>       32      33      8.42    286     -5      1.5     0.8     1.8
> 0.7 #33
>       33      34      14.82   271     +1      0.3     2.2     3.2
> 1.2 #34
>       34      35      20.06   290.5   +2      2.5     1       2
> 1.5 #35 estimated LRUD
>       mark 35 painted # ==51 at Leg2
>     endcentreline
>   endsurvey # Leg1
> -----Original Message-----
> From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of Cooper, Ben
> Sent: 11 November 2007 19:56
> To: therion at
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)
> Aha - thanks Stacho.  I'm still on 0.5.0.  Upgrading now...!
> Regards,
> - Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
> Sent: 08 November 2007 19:53
> To: therion at
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)
> Just few remarks:
> 1. Did you use latest version of therion (0.5.1)?  It is a new feature
> in that version.
> 2. You may also use other colors that gray. Just add
>    color map-fg [100 50 50]
> to your layout. Numbers mean intensities of red, green and blue.
> 3. Options in layout and export command are the same. In layout, you
> use
> color map-fg 50
> and in export command option -layout-color map-fg 50
> HTH, S.
> Bruce Mutton wrote:
>> Ben
>> I tried Stacho's suggestion, and it worked fine, although I think he
>> abbreviated the syntax of the export command a bit much.  Here's my
> more
>> verbose version...
>> layout bruce-map-export
>>   north true
>>   scale 1 500
>>   base-scale 1 500
>>   units metric
>>   page-grid on
>>   grid-size 100 100 100 metres
>> #  layout-map-header 0 0 s  #causes error?
>>   legend on
>>   statistics explo all
>>   statistics topo all
>>   statistics carto all
>>   statistics copyright all
>>   debug on
>> endlayout
>> export map -projection plan -layout bruce-map-export \
>>   -layout-color map-fg 90 \
>>   -output SurveyPlan.pdf -fmt pdf
>> Try this Ben.  The 90 gives a passage that is more lightly shaded
> 50.
>> Good Luck
>> Bruce
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
> Behalf
>> Of Cooper, Ben
>> Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 3:44 a.m.
>> To: therion at
>> Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps
>> Hi Stacho,
>> I've been wanting to get print-outs of XVI, too, so I am verry
>> interested in your recommendation, below.  I've tried it, but this is
>> the result I get: only the centreline is visible, not LRUD.
>> - Ben Cooper
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
>> Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
>> Sent: 06 November 2007 12:24
>> To: therion at
>> Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps
>> ...<text removed>...
>> Stacho's  Example:
>> source
>> map centerline-map
>>   my-survey
>> endmap
>> endsource
>> select centerline-map
>> export map.pdf -layout-color map-fg 50 -layout-scale 1 500
>> ... where my-survey is the name of top-level survey.
>> ...<text removed>...
>> Regards, S.
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