To specify the LRUD at the beginning of  a leg (or when a is a sudden 
change) it is usual in toporobot to make a null (or very small) length 
shot (this is also usual in other survey softwares such as vtopo). The 
intended behavior is the one of shot E with the therion syntax. In 
therion, it seems that this does not work, since below a certain length 
the shot is ploted as a vertical: in the example join, shots A and B are 
ploted as shot F. The problem is that rewriting old surveys of type A as 
E is quite a work prone to errors, and putting a length sufficient to 
have it drawn horizontally (such as in shot D) is really changing the 

The second problem is that vertical shots are always oriented towards 
the north, even though one specifies a bearing to indicate where is the 
right and the left. This makes it difficult to draw directly on the xvi 

Is that behavior intentional or  is that due to a division by zero which 
is not handles correctly?

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