+++ Guido Verhoeven [2009-04-20 13:27 +0200]:
>    Hello
>    Do you know about Auriga from Luc Le Blanc? This runs on a Palm. (see:
>    [1]http://www.speleo.qc.ca/auriga/)

Yes. At the CSG meet yesterday we used a distoX with both Auriga and
pockettopo, and compared with a SAP+Disto and conventional
instruments. i.e we surveyed the same route 4 times with 4
methods/teams at once and had 6 laser measures on one trip :-)

I also worked on the data import from pockettopo to Therion (not quite
finished), as a variation on the existing pt2pdf script. I have not
yet tried the auriga import because I failed to extract data from it.

This work will be reported in in more detail in Compass Points, but
various issues arose to do with platform support, calibration,
bluetooth syncing, data transfer, distoX-disto integration, auriga
focus bug and data import. The SAP/conventional surveyors were still
much faster by the time we had made all our computers work, but even
so the process, especially with pockettopo, is very powerful and
promising, and is clearly the way to go. But it does still need a bit
of work to reduce the pain and faffing :-)

Thanks to all involved for very useful excercise and especially Svein
and Torsten for bringing lots of cool toys from Norway. 

Principal hats:  iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian

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