+++ marco corvi [2009-03-24 12:43 +0100]:
> On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 21:50 +1300, Bruce Mutton wrote:
> > Hi there
> > 
> > I have a Disto arriving hopefully in a few days, and looking ahead
> > I’ve been tentatively trialling PocketTopo on my PC.
> > 
> >  
> hi,
> also i have a distoX.
> i am writing a program to use it with linux.
> (the programs runs also on windows).
> export as therion, of course.
> anyone interested to alpha test ?
> (cannot guarantee, but is should not damage your distox)

John Pybus has a disto and no Windows machines so he will no doubt be

Principal hats:  iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian

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