On 11.1.2009, at 21:08, Bruce Mutton wrote:

> For example, the code below gives a ? on a 2d map, but does not  
> appear in the continuation-list.
> point 123.0 456.0 continuation
change it to point 123.0 456.0 continuation -text "something"

Quite easy to do it in plain text editor by search/replace.

> Also I wonder if the object that contains the continuation  
> definition could be listed, ie the scrap or survey (or file name),  
> so that edits are easier to locate.
> (At present the survey that identifies the physical location is  
> listed – regardless of where it’s code is defined – and this is  
> useful and should be retained)

generate map or atlas with next options in layout:

  debug station-names
  survey-level 1

and you may use the search feature of Acrobat: search  
"station_name at survey_name"


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