In the latest unstable version 5.2.6 - if you add "-filter off" option
to continuations output, all continuations (including those without
comment) will be exported to the list. Currently, it is not possible
to use more sophisticated filters (e.g. projection). May be this will
come in the future.

Regards, S.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Bruce Mutton
<bruce.mutton at> wrote:
> I notice that continuations listed in scraps with no meta data (ie no –attr
> code, -text or –explored  values) are not listed in continuation-list
> outputs.
> For example, the code below gives a ? on a 2d map, but does not appear in
> the continuation-list.
> point 123.0 456.0 continuation
> This is inconvenient if trying to keep track of them with continuation-list
> outputs.  Is it possible to have them included in the continuation-list
> output in due course?
> Also I wonder if the object that contains the continuation definition could
> be listed, ie the scrap or survey (or file name), so that edits are easier
> to locate.
> (At present the survey that identifies the physical location is listed –
> regardless of where it's code is defined – and this is useful and should be
> retained)
> Am using version 5.2.5
> Regards
> Bruce
> PS: I notice that the problem with continuation text being repeated
> inappropriately has been solved thanks.
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