
Bruce Mutton writes:
 > I have a Disto arriving hopefully in a few days, and looking ahead I've been
 > tentatively trialling PocketTopo on my PC.

Disto / PocketTopo seems to get quite some traction here in Switzerland. I
never actually used that software, but I got some parts of a cavemap that was
produced with PocketTopo. It is definitively not Therion format.

Attached is a first try to make something useful from the tpo file. I do a
simple translation in absolute coordinates, and add a million splay commands
where necessary. Also there seem to be whole drawings in the tpo file, that I
am able to plot.

To run the program you'll need Python, and Matplotlib for the drawing
part. Very rough, but working.

Best, Martin

Dr. Martin Lüthi        luethi at
VAW Glaciology
ETH Zürich    
8092 Zürich             +41 44 632 4093 phone
Switzerland             +41 44 632 1192 fax

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