I agree with bruce.

also noticed that splay shots are used for the "depth".
it might make sense, but  i rather have the depth 
computed with the survey shots only.


On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 08:44 +1200, Bruce wrote:
> Hi Andrew
> Yes, when splay shots to an unlabelled station such as '-' are included in a
> dataset, such as when using a distoX or similar, the statistics do not make
> that much sense to me. I think it still works the way you describe in 5.3.7.
> To my way of thinking, splay shots are not part of the survey length (and
> therefore should not be duplicate either), they are analogous to LRUD.  IF
> they are to be reported, they should be separately reported as 'total splay
> length' and 'number of splay stations' (could be further broken down into
> 'surface splays' and 'cave splays' if one was being picky).
> If there were to be a compromise for the sake of simplicity I would prefer
> that therion exclude splay information from all the reported statistics (as
> it ignores LRUD, which are really just special splay shots), rather than the
> apparently selective way the splay shots are currently included. 
> Regards
> Bruce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-bounces at speleo.sk] On 
> Behalf
> Of Andrew Atkinson
> Sent: Monday, 13 June 2011 6:10 a.m.
> To: List for Therion users
> Subject: [Therion] Duplicates including adding splays?
> Hello
> Therion 5.3.5 ubuntu 10.04
> In the attached file the following information is given about the survey
> title: RhinoPassage
> length: 189.07m (surface 0.00m, duplicated 24.58m)
> vertical range: 20.51m (from 1.27 at RhinoPassage at 20.38m to 
> 1.3 at RhinoPassage at -0.13m)
> north-south range: 92.47m (from 1.27 at RhinoPassage at 33.43m to 
> 1.53 at RhinoPassage at -59.04m)
> east-west range: 66.67m (from 1.53 at RhinoPassage at 66.67m to 
> 1.0 at RhinoPassage at 0.00m)
> number of shots: 281
> number of stations: 282
> The duplicate figure got me wondering, it seems to be counting the 
> splays but the length does not. As the duplicate none splays are only 
> about 10m.
> Maybe this is what is wanted, but I personally think that the duplicate 
> value should be the amount taken off the length by the duplicate flag? 
> Ie why is length treated differently to duplicate (something to do with 
> the way survex treated splays and duplicate as different, I think that 
> splays are not included in extend in survex)
> Maybe 2 figures would be better, duplicate length and duplicate splays.
> {probably best to ignore this next bit}
> Oh this leads to all sorts of thinks that are really not important, like 
> maybe giving the length of all the splays, and the number of stations, 
> is it really 282 or really 54. All depends on your definition I guess
> Andrew
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