I wonder whether the cavelength discussed here (or perhaps sum of 
Passagelength) is, more or less, the same as the sum of the length of 
the walls divided by two. If yes, I wonder whether it is possible for 
Therion to calculate the length (3D) of the walls in the scraps/map.

Actually, there are several morphometric values that would be very 
interesting, - if Therion could calculate them. For instance the 
horisontal passage area of the scraps/map and the volume of the cave.

Btw, I could find any attachments.


Den 04.03.2012 08:46, skrev Maximillian Dornseif:
> On 2012-03-04, at 01:22, Bruce wrote:
>> You would have to bear in mind the definition of cave length that you 
>> want to adhere to when surveying the cave, and choose 
>> stations accordingly.  The legs that do not contribute to length 
>> would be flagged as duplicate.
> Any suggestion how to integrate that nicely into the data format - be 
> it for therion itself, be it for post processing.
> Generally what would help a lot is a way to say "of this leg 4.50m 
> long only 3.50m should be added to the cave length.
> This can be done within Therion today via
> flags duplicate
> P144P147a252-21.00
> flags no duplicate
>         P147aP147252-23.50
> But this seems to be very error prone. An alternative would be to use 
> an external program to determine cave length and just encode the 
> information in the therion file. E.g.
> flags duplicate
> P144P147252-24.50  # length:3.50
> But this would mean not only parsing therion files but also parsing 
> comments. Any suggestions how to incorporate such data with maximum 
> clarity and comparability?
> I'm unsure it will ever be possible to automatically extract 
> cavelength in complex caves - see attached examples.
> The "small reduction in length" was about 16% length reduction for the 
> "Kluterthöhle" shown in the second attachment. And to my understanding 
> all organized Austrian & German caving is basing their calculations 
> today on the Trimmel method. Perhaps that is the reason therion sees 
> relative little use 
> (http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php?id=projeurope#) in german 
> speaking countries?
> I'm not complaining. But I would be very grateful for guidance how i 
> can integrate cave length calculation with minimal fuss and thus 
> keeping the data in *.th files in a state where they document our 
> surveys and are not full of hacks which nobody will be able to 
> understand 25 years from now.
> --md
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