Hi Xavier,

I understood you works on windows I think you can use a tools to do
the first step for example :

and create query on sql language to select the data you need with
where conditions.


2012/5/29, Marco Corvi <marco_corvi at yahoo.com>:
> hi xavier,
> just export as database, say with output "cave.sql",
> make a db with it: "sqlite3 cave.db< cave.sql".
> open the db and select from the table centreline: "sqlite3 cave.db" and at
> the prompt
> "select title, length from centreline;"
> or "select title, length from centreline where title not null;"
> use ".schema centreline" to see the fields of the table,
> ".help"for help.
> marco
> ________________________________
>  From: Xavier Robert <xavier.robert01 at gmail.com>
> To: Therion <therion at speleo.sk>
> Cc: stephane lips <stephane.lips at free.fr>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 11:43 AM
> Subject: [Therion] How to extract the length of each centerline ?
> Hi all,
> I am still working on the survey of the Jean-Bernard system in the French
> Alps. I have a bunch of different centerlines series, and I need to extract
> the length of each centerline to link them to the history of the
> exploration/surveying.
> I understood how to export the SQL database of the cave system, however, as
> I do not know at all how to deal with SQL databases, I wondering if there is
> there an easy way to extract this information with a command similar to
> "export survey-list" ? The best will be an output like "centerline_ID -
> Station_first - Station_last - Centerline_length - Topo_date" !
> Cheers,
> Xavier
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