+++ Wookey [2013-12-24 03:41 +0000]:
> +++ Martin Sluka [2013-12-22 23:26 +0100]:
> >    Exactly after one year! 

> A few observations about the source tarball:

> 3) output files are shipped in the samples dirs:
> q-marks/map.xvi
> survex/create/create.3d
> survex/ignore/ignore.3d
> survex/use/use/3d
> survex/cave.3d

Actually the .3ds are supposed to be there - ignore that, (but the xvi isn't) 

> Anyway, I have updated all the patches and will build and test.

OK. amd64 packages for wheezy (Debian stable) are at:

Please test them.

Do we believe that http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=718294
is fixed in 5.3.12?

Trying an unstable build next.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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