+++ Julian Todd [2013-03-18 14:54 +0000]:
> Why don't you keep the code and the docs onto bitbucket -- where I
> keep the TunnelX code?
>     https://bitbucket.org/goatchurch/tunnelx

Or savannah, or google code, or alioth, or sourceforge or launchpad,
or gitorious:

Preferably pick one that runs on free code.

> For that matter, why isn't the Therion code in some place like there too?

Mostly because Stacho can't get to such services from work AIUI. That
was the answer last time this came up.

I did actually put up an svn repo with trac bugtracking for therion
(mostly for collaborative debian package maintenance) some time back,
but no-one is using it SFAIK and now it's thoroughly out of date. (Hmm
and it seems to be broken right now anyway).

I can do that for caveconverter too if you want a more 'DIY, but under
our own control' setup. 

I have a half-packaged caveconverter. Will get round to finishing it
at some point...

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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