>I hadn't thought about something like you GPS trail example where an
instrument produces a series of absolute positions before.  Perhaps a
measured version of "nosurvey" would be useful, ...

Or maybe a new shotflag "Ignored" to compliment the existing "Duplicate",
"Surface", "Approx" and "Splay" flags.
"Ignored" would mean the shot does not count for length and depth
Maybe the defaults for all shot datatypes except NoSurvey could be "Not
And the default for NoSurvey could be "Ignored".
However the user could explicitly change the state of the "Ignored" flag if
their usage does not suit the defaults.

This change, while it would change the behaviour of some existing datasets,
would bring Therion in line with Survex (if I understand you correctly) and
also allow the user flexibility to specifically ignore or not some
centreline data.

A pain for the Therion authors no doubt.


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