+++ Bill Gee [2014-12-29 10:12 -0600]:
>    Update -
>    Solved! I finally got Loch to compile. The change is in the Loch Makefile,
>    highlighted below in red. With this final change the entire Therion
>    package will compile.

My email is still black-and-white text. A diff would have been rather more use 

But I presume you are saying, replace:
>    #ifeq ($(VTKV6),1)
>    #VTKLIBS = -lvtkCommonExecutionModel-$(VTKVERSION)
>    -lvtkCommonDataModel-$(VTKVERSION) -lvtkCommonCore-$(VTKVERSION)
>    -lvtkFiltersCore-$(VTKVERSION) -lvtkFiltersHybrid-$(VTKVERSION)
>    -lvtkIOLegacy-$(VTKVERSION) -lfreetype -lpng -ljpeg
>    #else
>    #VTKLIBS = -lvtkHybrid -lvtkImaging -lvtkIO -lvtkGraphics -lvtkFiltering
>    -lvtkCommon -lfreetype
>    #endif


>    VTKLIBS = -lvtkCommonExecutionModel -lvtkCommonDataModel -lvtkCommonCore
>    -lvtkFiltersCore -lvtkFiltersHybrid -lvtkIOLegacy -lfreetype -lpng -ljpeg


Thanks for the info. Seems that debian-based and fedora-based distros
have used a different library-naming scheme. 

Obviously a smarter patch would be needed to let it build on debian
_and_ fedora based systems.

Mostly what all this shows is that therion could really use a proper
build system like cmake, as then it could just use pkgconfig or
built-in cmake findpackage runes which should deal with distro
packaging variation like this.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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