Playing with the scale layouts, I notice that label lines still display
text at 1:5000, but label points do not. It also appears that label lines
stretch the text to match the length of the line regardless of the font
scale set in the options for the label line. I was hoping there would be a
way to set text so that if the font size makes the text size shorter than
the line when the text would not stretch out along the full line length,
but if the text scale made it larger than the line length then it would be
limited to the length of the line. This would prevent text growing to be
excessively large and run over the cave passage, but at scales where
smaller text scales are set it is not stretched out so much along the line.
Is something like this possible?


On 3 March 2014 18:56, Bruce <bruce at> wrote:

>   Footleg
> This was one of my early challenges shortly after discovering Therion, and
> it crops up from time to time on this forum.
> I have decided that with 'draw once, use many times' I am limited to about
> half an order of magnitude difference in scales (ie 1:500 to 1:2000) to get
> label spacing and symbol placement that is more or less OK at a range of
> scales.
> Personally, once I get to 1:5000 I pretty much turn off all symbols.
> Judicious use of text scales xs, s, m, l, xl allows one to crudely hide
> minor text at smaller scales.
> You can use base-scale to globally reduce all text and symbol sizes.
> Thomas Holders examples show how symbols can be made to plot to suit the
> scale. Ie hide smaller symbols.
> People have proposed various 'dual scrap' scenarios, but it seems to
> defeat what simplicity Therion has :)
> You could use 'revise' for each symbol, but I think madness would lie down
> that route.
> Check the wiki.
> Bruce
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