Please do let us know what you figure out. Martin helped me figure out how to 
have my surveys in a sub-folder of my main survey, but so far I'm only doing 
one cave. Would like to hear how to add the other area caves to the same output.

Adam Sampson(502)509-5066caver.adam at

To: therion at
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 10:31:32 +0100
Subject: Re: [Therion] Data Management

Andrew, Martin, Rowena,

Thanks for the replies. What I clearly don’t
understand are the basic building blocks of Therion, folder structures etc

Dave C has kindly offered to look at my
stuff and advise so hopefully I will sort this out soon.

I suspect I am at a point that a lot of
folk get to in their Therion leaning curve so once I get my head round this I
may write a wiki article about this from a novice point of view. It really 
be a continuation of Footlegs excellent tutorial which I have referred to many
times over the last few months.

Andrew, files will be in the registry by
the end of the day I promises.

Thanks once again all


therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On Behalf Of 
Martin Sluka

Sent: 19 August 2015 08:38

To: List
 for Therion users

Subject: Re: [Therion] Data



• -d ▷
Turn on debugging mode. The current implementation creates a temporary

named thTMPDIR (in
your system temporary directory) and does not delete any

temporary files.

may you run  therion with -d parameter and check the files inside
the folder  thTMPDIR?

May you send me both the log from therion and that folder thTMPDIR


19. 8. 2015 v 5:20, rowena_l at


I have successfully created an area  PDF for the
70+ caves in my area of interest in Australia, using Therion.

Can you give more details of what your result is giving?
eg is an error being displayed, can you produce a .3d file or .lox file of the
survey legs, are you able to see  a pdf created that is missing data?

----- Original Message -----


 for Therion users" <therion at>


"List for Therion users"
<therion at>



Tue, 18 Aug 2015 16:01:45 +0100


[Therion] Data Management

Hi all,

After lots
of trial and error I am now producing some good outputs of individual caves but
now I have hit a wall. I believe I’m not getting the data management correct.

Here’s what
I do, I have a folder for the area/system in that folder I have other folders
for the individual caves; this is where my Top Parser produced th2 .th and
config files first landed. I also have all the Therion produced outputs in
these files. 

So far so
good I think. All works well, good outputs from pdf’s to kml’s. Now I want 
produce a pdf of the area/system using these separate caves but try as hard as
I may I’m just not succeeding.

I have read
all the stuff on the wiki over and over and checked back though this mailing
list but all my attempts at this output have failed. Next plan of attack was to
look at other people’s data in the Cave Registry Data Archive which helped and
I now see how the .th and config files should look but I am still missing
something some where.

I keep seeing
snatches of info about index files but can find no definitive instruction on
how to use them.

I realise
this problem probable has a simple solution and given enough time I am sure I
can work it out but life’s too short to dick about for hours especially when
someone out there has the answer. Also I have a deadline looming on some of
these maps and I’m now getting a bit worried I will not make it.

Any help
would be appreciated and if anyone in the Yorkshire
area wants to compare notes (I’m sure that there are more numptys like me out
there) I will travel and bring beer. 



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