(Actually you only need to check out the
to get the complete Therion project)


On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 5:27 PM Footleg <drfootleg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jenny,
> I have a project where I do this. I think I copied the idea off Bruce.
> I've just taken another look at the files to see how it works. I have a map
> definition in my project which looks like this:
> map CarcPlanCL -title "Carcavuezo centreline Plan" -projection plan
>   4ValleysCL #centreline survey
> endmap
> All my map definitions are in the Carc_Map-Complete.th file which is
> referenced in my survey in the master .th file of my project. That file
> imports a survey 3D file for the centreline. Note how the map defined above
> contains the name of the survey from my master file, rather than the name
> of a map or scrap. The master .th file contents are as follows:
> survey Carcavuezo
>   survey 4ValleysCL
>     import 0081_therion.3d -surveys use -cs EPSG:25830
>   endsurvey
>   input Carc_MAP-Complete.th
> endsurvey
> -------------------------
> All you need to do to include the entire centreline from the survey in the
> PDF is include the map CarcPlanCL in the map you are generating the PDF
> from (along with the other maps which contain the scraps you want to plot
> on the PDF. Just remember you cannot mix maps and scraps in a map
> definition, which is why I have the special map containing the survey
> rather than including the survey in my master map directly.
> Also remember in your thconfig file to specify which map is the master map
> to generate the PDF from (in my thconfig file I declare: select
> CarcavuezoPlan at Carcavuezo )
> If you want to play with my complete project then you can check it out
> from the UK cave registry svn here:
> http://cave-registry.org.uk/svn/MatienzoCaves/5Valleys
> This particular project is part of a much larger one (the entire 5
> valleys). You want to process the thconfig-carcavuezo project in the
> folder 5Valleys\Therion Drawings\0081_Carcavuezo
> Footleg
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 10:23 AM Martin Sluka <martinsluka at mac.com> wrote:
>> Jenny,
>> It looks the problem is you want to mix maps defined from scraps and maps
>> defined from surveys. Try to draw „blind“ scraps only with stations and
>> generate map from scraps.
>> As I may say, I newer tried to define map as this:
>> map from_surveys_only.map
>>  survey1
>>  survey 2
>> endmap
>> map from_scraps.map
>>   scrap1
>>   scrap2
>> endmap
>> map all.map
>>   map_from_surveys_only
>>   map_from_scraps
>> endmap
>> thconfig:
>> select all.map
>> m.s.
>> > 19. 10. 2015 v 6:23, Jenny Black <jenelopy at gmail.com>:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I want to plot both the centreline for the entire cave and passages in
>> > the scraps I have drawn. I can do one at a time but can't figure out
>> > how to plot both.
>> >
>> > In my thconfig file I have:
>> > symbol-show point station
>> > symbol-show group cave-centreline
>> > symbol-show point station-name
>> > debug station-names
>> >
>> > so when I don't have any scraps, I get the centreline and stations
>> > nicely plotted for the entire cave, which is proving very helpful with
>> > figuring out where to break loops for my extended elevation.
>> >
>> > However, as soon as I add in my scraps, which I've been doing by adding:
>> > input 107ee_ropeless.th2
>> > input 107ee_china_new.th2
>> > input 107ee_oldroute.th2
>> > to my .th file I can only see the centreline (and walls, etc) for the
>> > scraps of drawn and not the rest of the cave.
>> >
>> > I'm sure it is possible to plot the scraps *and* the entire
>> > centreline. I'm sure I read it on a mailing list post when I was
>> > looking fro something else, but I can't rmanage to re-find it. Can
>> > anyone help?
>> >
>> > In case it makes a difference, I am plotted an extended elevation and
>> > reading in survex data as a 3d file.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Jenny
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