I`am using an old Asus 696 PDA with Wmobil 6 and of course pockettopo. It works 
very well. Once I have lost the original pencil in the cave and I couldn`t find 
it anymore. It was not so easy, but the surveying on that day was made with my 
fingernail ☺. A replacement for the original was found quick and very cheap. 
BTW, I have now a second pencil in my small case and both have got a tiny hole 
for a thread.
Other members have tried out some android apps. But as I have seen (2014) there 
was no app which was able to  kalibrate/justify the DistoX. But that is not 
really a problem, I think.
Von: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-bounces at speleo.sk] Im 
Auftrag von Rob Countess (External)
Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. September 2015 01:36
An: List for Therion users
Betreff: [Therion] Best caving tablet

I posted this on cave chat.org<http://chat.org> but no replies:

So I'm awaiting shipment of my DistoX2. I've never used one before.

I am trying to figure out what the best tablet is to use with it. I am using 
Therion but I am new to that as well. I used to use Walls and before that On 

I have zero experience with paperless cave surveying. I have never used 
Pocketopo or Topodroid which makes it hard to decide between windows or 
android. Topodroid seems to be set up well for use with Therion, but again I 
have no idea; I've never used an android device only iPhone and iPad. I see the 
new ipad pro has a stylus - are there cave survey/disto apps that run on iPad?

A new windows surface pro3 tablet seems like a good idea but are there good 
waterproof cases?

Xperia Z4 tablet claims IP68 - can it handle a cave without a case? I can't 
seem to find any suitable rugged cases for it.

If price was not a factor what set up would you use?


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