On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 5:23 PM, Wookey <wookey at wookware.org> wrote:

> In practice the rest of the world uses this list and the distro
> packaging and every so often those patches get pulled back into the
> master repo.

​Well, in general I think a VCS would be nice, but it's up to you or the
authors or whoever else maintains the code. There are many public free
services like github, etc. I currently placed it in a private git on
Assembla. Can make a public one too.

OK. You changed what I think is the default line size too
> set xth(gui,me,line,cpsize) 3
> is that an important part of this change or just something you prefer?
​Not very important. I changed the line point, and Bezier​

​line control point sizes. Actually they were already available in the Ini
file before my changes, but I haven't noticed them.
I'll see if there is a wiki about the xtherion.ini​ settings. If not I will
see if I can make one about some of them.

> So I merged your code into the debian package. You had managed to
> 'dosify' me_cmds2.tcl which made a massive patch, but I've fixed that
> (and quite a lot of trailing whitespace).
> Patch attached to save anyone else the work.
> I'm building the package now and will upload soon if everything works.

​Don't know that you mean by "dosify" :)
Indeed there was some whitespace in most of the files. I didn't remove it
exactly to avoid making a large patch/commit.

About building the packages, I actually tried building xtherion only, not
the whole Therion. But I suppose that xtherion should not affect the rest
of the build process.

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