Hello, recently i took some time to make a new symbol for area-flowstone in the AUT symbol set. It resembles the austrian SPELDOK B43 guidelines.
---snip--- # AUT area:flowstone code metapost beginpattern(pattern_flowstone_AUT); pickup PenC; draw (0.0u, 0.01u)--(0.33u, 0.01u); draw (0.33u, 0.33u)--(0.66u, 0.33u); patternbbox(0u,0u, 0.66u, 0.66u); endpattern; def a_flowstone_AUT (expr Path) = T:=identity; thclean Path; thfill Path withpattern pattern_flowstone_AUT ; enddef; initsymbol("a_flowstone_AUT"); % make the symbol available in AUT symbol set endcode ---snap--- The code above could be made available in your layout definition. As soon as you use "symbol-set AUT" and make an ordinary area tagged "flowstone", the new pattern will be used. (probably this pattern could also be made available in the default symbol set shipped with therion...) With best regards, Beni