Hi there,
i just wanted to inform you that since some time i am working on a PHP class 
framework to parse/generate therion files with PHP.
I initially need this to export data in therion format from the austrian 
SPELIX system, where austrian cave data is centrally collected.
Since i thought that a PHP class framework for therion file structures would 
probably be of broader use, i made it public as a PEAR project.

Some days ago i released the second public release (0.2.0) with basic 
centreline and survey support and (i think) all important structures present 
(however not all of them do something right now, thus the alpha state).
The rabbit example is parsable and writable again with core features (like 

I think it would be useful to list the packages home at the therion wiki 
page: http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php/contrib:complimentarycaveapps

File_Therion package home: http://pear.php.net/package/File_Therion/
(contains link to sources and in the future documentation; APIdoc there is 
currently broken but will be fixed soon)

With best regards,
Beni Hallinger
Höhlenverein Hallstatt-Obertraun / Austria

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