Hello Therion users,

I found the issue with the segmentation fault, it was my mistake. I have 
several cave directories inside a cave system main directory. In the .th file 
on the main directory I was sourcing for the DEM, but I was also sourcing for 
the same DEM in one .th file of a cave. Removing the source to the DEM in the 
cave file solved the issue. Funny thing is that is was not doing a segmentation 
fault on windows, but did on mac.


> On 30 May 2016, at 9:47 AM, Philippe Vernant <phil.vernant at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Thanks Martin,
> I read that fucking manual ! The trouble was coming from a double 
> installation of Tex (one with macport that had been installed as a dependency 
> for another program, and the other with mactex). Now I have fixed that issue, 
> but I get a segmentation fault.
> For a thconfig running under windows, on mac I have :
> writing ./Output/garrel.lox ...............Segmentation fault: 11
> The map a properly generated, but not the lox file.
> And if I try to run the commande : 
> therion --print-symbols
> I get :
> 354 output files written: data.1 .. data.4012
> Transcript written on data.log.
> converting scraps* ... done
> Segmentation fault: 11
> I have the same error messages with the home brew installation, or if I 
> compile therion myself (had to slightly modify makeinstall.tcl to make it 
> work).
> Phil
>> On 30 May 2016, at 8:55 AM, Martin Sluka <martinsluka at mac.com 
>> <mailto:martinsluka at mac.com>> wrote:
>> ### Output character encodings ###
>> # encoding-default  ASCII
>> # encoding-sql  ASCII
>> ### Default regional settings ###
>> # language  en_UK
>> # units metric
>> ### Prefered loop closure method
>> # loop-closure survex
>> ### Paths to called executable files ###
>> # mpost-path  "mpost"
>> # mpost-options  "-tex=etex"
>> # pdftex-path  "pdfetex"
>> # cavern-path  "cavern"
>> # convert-path  "convert"
>> # identify-path  "identify"
>> ### Search paths for source and configuration files ###
>> # source-path  ""
>> ### Tex initialization ###
>> # tex-env off
>> # tex-fonts <encoding> <roman> <italic> <bold> <sansserif> <sansserifoblique>
>> # tex-fonts raw cmr10 cmti10 cmbx10 cmss10 cmssi10
>> # tex-fonts xl2 csr10 csti10 csbx10 csss10 csssi10
>> ### PDF fonts initialization
>> # otf2pfb off
>> # pdf-fonts <roman> <italic> <bold> <sansserif> <sansserifoblique>
>> ### Path to temporary directory ###
>> # tmp-path  ""
>> ### User defined coordinate system ###
>> # cs-def <id> <proj4id> [other options]
>> ### Command to remove temporary directory ###
>> # tmp-remove  ""

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