RTFM or check therion.ini:

### Output character encodings ###
# encoding-default  ASCII
# encoding-sql  ASCII

### Default regional settings ###
# language  en_UK
# units metric

### Prefered loop closure method
# loop-closure survex

### Paths to called executable files ###
# mpost-path  "mpost"
# mpost-options  "-tex=etex"
# pdftex-path  "pdfetex"
# cavern-path  "cavern"
# convert-path  "convert"
# identify-path  "identify"

### Search paths for source and configuration files ###
# source-path  ""

### Tex initialization ###
# tex-env off
# tex-fonts <encoding> <roman> <italic> <bold> <sansserif> <sansserifoblique>
# tex-fonts raw cmr10 cmti10 cmbx10 cmss10 cmssi10
# tex-fonts xl2 csr10 csti10 csbx10 csss10 csssi10

### PDF fonts initialization
# otf2pfb off
# pdf-fonts <roman> <italic> <bold> <sansserif> <sansserifoblique>

### Path to temporary directory ###
# tmp-path  ""

### User defined coordinate system ###
# cs-def <id> <proj4id> [other options]

### Command to remove temporary directory ###
# tmp-remove  ""


> 30. 5. 2016 v 0:49, Philippe Vernant <phil.vernant at gmail.com>:
> Thanks Jean-Florent,
> Seems that I have two Tex on my mac, is there a way to force Therion to look 
> in one place for the Tex programs ?
> Cheers,
> Phil
>> On 29 May 2016, at 19:11 PM, Jean-Florent Raymond <jeanflorent at 
>> no-log.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Seems that a font is missing.
>> According to
>> https://lists.debian.org/debian-tex-maint/2007/01/msg00003.html
>> it is a Czech font, which belongs to the (debian) package
>> texlive-lang-czechslovak.
>> Do you have all latex fonts installed?
>> Cheers,
>> Jean-Florent.
>> Le 29/05/2016 à 00:45, Philippe Vernant a écrit :
>>> Maybe this can help, when I run “ therion --print-symbols “
>>> first thing that goes wrong is :
>>> kpathsea: Running mktexmf csr10
>>> ! I can't find file `csr10'.
>>> <*> ...e:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input csr10
>>> Thanks,
>>> Phil
>>>> On 28 May 2016, at 23:39 PM, Philippe Vernant <phil.vernant at gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Xav !
>>>> Now it is working, except when I compile, I get the message :
>>>> ! ! Unable to read mpx file.
>>>> l.6483 ...(-243.46,-8.39),(-242.762,-7.82209),btex
>>>>                                                 \thwallaltitude 
>>>> \thfb\cha...
>>>> The two files given above are one of your source files
>>>> and an auxiliary file I need to read to find out what your
>>>> btex..etex blocks mean. If you don't know why I had trouble,
>>>> try running it manually through MPtoTeX, TeX, and DVItoMP
>>>> .
>>>> .
>>>> .
>>>> therion: error -- metapost exit code -- 768”
>>>> Most likely a MacTex issue, any idea ?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Phil
>>>>> On 28 May 2016, at 17:21 PM, Xavier Robert <xavier.robert at 
>>>>> ujf-grenoble.fr> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Phil,
>>>>> I am also running therion and Xtherion under El capitan. That is true 
>>>>> that I cannot open any thconfig file from whereon itself (it was working 
>>>>> under the previous versions of Macos x). However, it is working if you 
>>>>> are using the console : 
>>>>> 1) type : cd to/your/topo/folder
>>>>> 2) type : xtherion [yourfilename].thconfig
>>>>> And from there, you are able to edit the thconfig, and also to load/edit 
>>>>> all *.th2 files
>>>>> Xav
>>>>>> Le 27 mai 2016 à 16:34, Philippe Vernant <phil.vernant at gmail.com> a 
>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>> Does anyone runs therion under Mac OSX El Capitan. I can run xtherion, 
>>>>>> but it does not want to open the files, there is no way to get them 
>>>>>> clickable. I’ve tried the homebrew version and also compiled it myself 
>>>>>> but the results are the same.
>>>>>> Any idea ?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Phil
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