+++ Владимир Георгиев [2016-03-24 13:41 +0200]:
> Hi
> I was experimenting with the .3d model exported from Therion to Survex.
> The Survex viewer (Aven) has an option to display the terrain too. When I go 
> to
> View > Terrain I get an error "No coordinate system specified in survey data".

A terrain model has co-ordinates in real-world space, so you cave
needs to also be located in real-world space (not just arbitraty

> In the Therion data there is a coordinate system specified, fixed station as
> well as terrain data and it is displayed in Lox.
> Has anyone seen this error or had success in showing the terrain in Survex?

You need to add a *CS command to your data (co-ordinate system) to say
what system is in use, and add a fixed-point (e.g. for the entrance)
to say where in that space the cave is.

http://survex.com/docs/manual/datafile.htm (look for *CS)

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM
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