i try to generate a PDF with the whole cave rendered with LRUD centerline data only. The goal here is to generate a complete picture of the cave (>100km) with walls generated from LROU data, because i still have very few scraps at this time.

However therion aborts with an error.
How can i render a complex and big system into such a map?
Currently there are only a few scraps in the data and yet i get problems, it seems... is an atlas project with caves this big not possible?

For the compile, i generated a map in the compiler file, that selects the centerline only:
  map onlyCenterline -projection plan
    #Zubringer@Hirlatzhoehle   # <- this renders fine

And the following layout:
layout LROU
  colour map-fg [100 0 0]
  symbol-show group centerline
  scale 1 5000

However, when i try to compile it, i get the following error:
Transcript written on data.log.
converting scraps ... done
making map ... done
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2015/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=pdfetex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
(./data.tex (./th_enc.tex) (./th_texts.tex) (./th_resources.tex
Runaway text?
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000].
l.286830 \PL{794.15 1
                     423.19 794.21 1423.05 794.31 1422.94 c}%
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on data.log.
therion: error -- pdftex exit code -- 256

Thank you very much!
therion 5.3.15
initialization file: /etc/therion.ini
reading ... done
configuration file: plan.DOP.PolyLROU.thconfig
reading ... done
reading source files ... done
preprocessing database ... done
therion: warning -- unable to determine magnetic declination for undated surveys
output coordinate system: EPSG:31258
meridian convergence (deg): -0.2178
geomag declinations (deg):
  1953.1.1  -2.2093
  1954.1.1  -2.1206
  1955.1.1  -2.0319
  1956.1.1  -1.9389
  1957.1.1  -1.8461
  1958.1.1  -1.7535
  1959.1.1  -1.6610
  1960.1.1  -1.5686
  1961.1.1  -1.4921
  1962.1.1  -1.4156
  1963.1.1  -1.3393
  1964.1.1  -1.2631
  1965.1.1  -1.1871
  1966.1.1  -1.1437
  1967.1.1  -1.1005
  1968.1.1  -1.0573
  1969.1.1  -1.0142
  1970.1.1  -0.9712
  1971.1.1  -0.9266
  1972.1.1  -0.8821
  1973.1.1  -0.8377
  1974.1.1  -0.7934
  1975.1.1  -0.7492
  1976.1.1  -0.6314
  1977.1.1  -0.5137
  1978.1.1  -0.3962
  1979.1.1  -0.2788
  1980.1.1  -0.1615
  1981.1.1  -0.0583
  1982.1.1  0.0449
  1983.1.1  0.1481
  1984.1.1  0.2513
  1985.1.1  0.3544
  1986.1.1  0.4268
  1987.1.1  0.4991
  1988.1.1  0.5715
  1989.1.1  0.6439
  1990.1.1  0.7164
  1991.1.1  0.7998
  1992.1.1  0.8833
  1993.1.1  0.9668
  1994.1.1  1.0502
  1995.1.1  1.1337
  1996.1.1  1.2211
  1997.1.1  1.3084
  1998.1.1  1.3956
  1999.1.1  1.4828
  2000.1.1  1.5699
  2001.1.1  1.6631
  2002.1.1  1.7563
  2003.1.1  1.8494
  2004.1.1  1.9424
  2005.1.1  2.0353
  2006.1.1  2.1426
  2007.1.1  2.2497
  2008.1.1  2.3567
  2009.1.1  2.4636
  2010.1.1  2.5704
  2011.1.1  2.6935
  2012.1.1  2.8165
  2013.1.1  2.9393
  2014.1.1  3.0620
  2015.1.1  3.1846
scanning centreline tree ... done
searching for centerline loops ... done
calculating station coordinates ... done
average loop error: 2.19%
processing survey data ... 
####################### cavern log file ########################
 1> Survex 1.2.16
 2> Copyright © 1990-2014 Olly Betts
 4> Vermessung enthält 11251 Messpunkte, verbunden durch 11398 Messstrecken.
 5> Es gibt 148 Ringverbindungen.
 6> Gesamtlänge der Messstrecken = 108390.45m (108831.36m ausgeglichen)
 7> Gesamte Horizontallänge der Messstrecken = 98150.28m
 8> Gesamte Vertikallänge der Messstrecken = 30832.22m
 9> Vertikale Erstreckung = 1078.66m (von 4849 auf 1525.49m bis 9326 auf 
10> Nord-Süd-Erstreckung = 3689.86m (von 106 bei 267515.91m bis 11053 bei 
11> Ost-West-Erstreckung = 5360.55m (von 11054 bei 475825.23m bis 4738 bei 
12> 1453 1-Verzweigungspunkte.
13> 8649 2-Verzweigungspunkte.
14>  932 3-Verzweigungspunkte.
15>   65 4-Verzweigungspunkte.
16>   36 5-Verzweigungspunkte.
17>   85 6-Verzweigungspunkte.
18>   13 7-Verzweigungspunkte.
19>    5 8-Verzweigungspunkte.
20>    3 9-Verzweigungspunkte.
21>    1 10-Verzweigungspunkt.
22>    2 11-Verzweigungspunkte.
23>    1 13-Verzweigungspunkt.
24>    3 14-Verzweigungspunkte.
25>    2 18-Verzweigungspunkte.
26>    1 22-Verzweigungspunkt.
######################### transcription ########################
 4> 11251 : 3.0@27.Westen.Hirlatzhoehle
 5> 148 : 4.1@B6.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
 9> 4849 : 8.A402@287.Suedwesten.Hirlatzhoehle -- 9326 : 
10> 106 : 1.6e@B5.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle -- 11053 : 
11> 11054 : 2.129@279.Unterfeld.Hirlatzhoehle -- 4738 : 
12> 1453 : 1.7@251.Nordsiphon.Alter_Teil.Hirlatzhoehle
13> 8649 : 1.26@173.Wandaugenlabyrinth.Hirlatzhoehle
14> 932 : 1.22@217.Alter_Teil.Hirlatzhoehle
15> 65 : 1.2@B4.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
16> 36 : 1.7@B3.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
17> 85 : 1.l@B4.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
18> 13 : 1.10@B1.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
19> 5 : 1.3@B1.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
20> 3 : 1.2@B1.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
21> 1 : 1.0@B1.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
22> 2 : 1.1@B1.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
23> 1 : 1.0@B1.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
24> 3 : 1.2@B1.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
25> 2 : 1.1@B1.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
26> 1 : 1.0@B1.Obere_Brandgrabenhoehle.Hirlatzhoehle
#################### end of cavern log file ####################
calculating basic statistics ... done
processing extended elevation ... done
processing references ... done
selecting export objects ... done
processing projection plan ... done
average distortion: 4.11%
writing ../plan.DOP.nurPoly-LROU.pdf ...
####################### metapost log file ########################
This is MetaPost, version 1.999 (TeX Live 2015/dev/Debian) (kpathsea version 
6.2.1dev)  9 MAR 2017 22:37
Preloading the plain mem file, version 1.005) ) (./data.mp [4001] [4002] [4003]
[4004] [4005] [4006] [4007] [4008] [4009] [4010] [4011] [4012]
[1] [2] (./mptextmp.mp) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] )
Here is how much of MetaPost's memory you used:
 1553 strings using 30550 characters
 13582532 bytes of node memory
 1402 symbolic tokens
 8i,81n,11p,626b,5f stack positions out of 16i,96n,12p,760b,6f
24 output files written: data.1 .. data.4012

#################### end of metapost log file ####################
converting scraps ... done
making map ... done
######################## pdftex log file #########################
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2015/dev/Debian) 
(preloaded format=pdfetex 2017.3.9)  9 MAR 2017 22:37
entering extended mode
 restricted \write18 enabled.
 %&-line parsing enabled.
(./data.tex (./th_enc.tex) (./th_texts.tex) (./th_resources.tex
Runaway text?
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000].
l.286830 \PL{794.15 1
                     423.19 794.21 1423.05 794.31 1422.94 c}%
If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 216 strings out of 497107
 2308 string characters out of 6206793
 5000001 words of memory out of 5000000
 1449 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
 14794 words of font info for 50 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
 5i,1n,6p,238b,36s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

##################### end of pdftex log file #####################
therion: error -- pdftex exit code -- 256
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