Hi Bill

I think you have the answers you need already, but I’ll add my two bits anyway.

I do almost the same as Ladislav.

Sounds like your caves are or should be part of one Therion project (simply 
because they are in the same general locality).  No need to change anything 
other than to make sure  all of the existing cave folders are collected 
together in a single project folder (as in the image below).

In the example below, my project folder is th_TakakaValley/trunk  (the /trunk 
is just an artefact of the version control system we use) and there are 7 caves.

The other folders are for outputs and standardised layout files.

I use a flat structure these days, ie each individual cave has its own folder, 
with INDEX*.th and thconfig files, which is entirely self-contained (except for 
the output and standard files folders) so an individual cave can be easily 
moved to any other folder location and still compile with little fuss. 


Below, the INDEXTakakaValley.thc ties together all of the caves in the project, 
and puts them on the same map.  If two or more of the caves were joined, then I 
would just create another INDEX file in the top level project folder, eg 
INDEXBaigentsBreweryCaves.thc, and possibly matching thconfg and layout files.


If you download the latest development version of Therion,  you can use a 
lookup to specify particular colours for each of the caves, as described 
   (half way down the page).





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