i apologize the cut-n-paste, but i get post in digest
and i try to keep reply short.
- - - - - -

That is a good description.  I can see a wiki page developing from it. I
don’t think I have seen similar information before?

that info is in the user manual, more or less

It is a while since I played with TopoDROID.  Is it the intention that one
TopoDROID sketch produces, or is equivalent to, one matching pair of
Therion scraps (plan and elevation)?

yes, initially sketches were saved as th2 files. then i realized users were
drawing huge sketches (well over 1 km), so i turned to a binary format (and
a cache) to speed up opening (and saving) the sketches

I am interested in the data naming conventions you use, to facilitate the
tracing of parent and child object relationships (ie data files (TopoDROID
and Therion) through to survey and scrap, for example).

the survey name is the base name.

sketches append their name to that of the survey, separated by a dash, and
with suffix 'p' or 's'
survey name and sketch names can be chosen by the user (topodroid suggest
numbers for sketch names).
cross-section names are chosen by topodroid (eg "xx1" etc; there are four
patterns, if i'm not mistaken, for four different types of cross-section)

scraps take the name from the file
the xvi scale is almost 1:39.37 (the exact number is somewhere in therion

an exported data file (.th) contains input for all its sketches (.th2
files), and map commands.
however these are all under comment.

topodroid does not create the thconfig file

And I should just check exactly what you mean by ‘mid-line’?  I have always
been guessing. Is it the survey shot line that goes from ‘from station’ to
‘to station’?

midline = the set of legs

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