*The meaning I meant to convey was; I don’t think I have seen a description
of exactly the settings and workflow TopoDROID users should use if they
want to export their data for Therion to process, in one place, and step by
step.  No doubt the detail is in the TopoDROID user manual, but it is
scattered around, and interspersed with information that is not
particularly useful for Therion users.*

bruce, you are right. i misunderstood.
a therion wiki page, a sort of "howto use topodroid for therion", is
probably a good idea

*And little indication of what settings will make life pleasant or
unpleasant for Therion users.  Many of the default settings seem to be
Therion unfriendly, as evidenced by the examples posted on the Therion
forum over the previous year or so, and my own subsequent experimentations.*

this is probably because the default values of topodroid settings try to
fit the average cave surveyor/cartographer, and only a minority of them
uses therion.
anyways, i think that the therion-relevant settings are only a few

*I suspect what is missing is a user guide that describes what to do to
ensure a pleasant Therion experience with data generated by TopoDROID.
Your post from 3-4 December is the first time I recall seeing such a
targeted user guide format, and I am wondering if a Therion wiki page based
on your post might fill that gap. *

however, i do not expect my way to be the best and the only one. i do not
think there is a definitive way to work from topodroid to therion. the
process depends also on the environment (=cave) and resources (=android
device/distox). the wiki page might provide general rules and point to
program features that are important for the drafting of maps with therion
and cave project managing.

* I am happy to create the outline of a wiki page and fit it into the
Therion wiki structure somehow.  If I start something, maybe someone else
can fill in the gaps*

as i said, i think it's a good idea.
do it.
and i hope other users add in their advices

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