Ah ha!

You are right. Three very large and rapid rolls of the wheel are required to
trigger the zoom.  Ctrl key is not required.

And unlike the early implementations, it is limited to the 25 50 100 200 400
zoom levels available from the toolbars.


So although it works, and is appropriately fast at redrawing, the gross
repeated movements required make it both tedious and risky if you already
have mouse hand tendon problems.


If a fix is to be investigated, then I suggest that more zoom levels be
allowed as well, particularly to accommodate xvi drawings that do not fit
nicely in XTherion's zoom range.  ie 6.25 and 12.5, 800 and 1600

This would make XTherion a bit more TopoDroid friendly.




From: Therion <therion-boun...@speleo.sk> On Behalf Of Nick Bairstow
Sent: Wednesday, 17 July 2019 21:17
To: List for Therion users <therion@speleo.sk>
Subject: Re: [Therion] XtTherion canvas zoom with the mouse wheel bug


Right a bit more information.

Having installed 5.4.4 last night on a Windows machine I noticed that canvas
scrolling did not work as it had done using 5.4.1. I thought it was really
slow but on further investigation it seems that the zooming only happens
after scrolling the mouse wheel quite vigorously 3 times in quick
succession.  This works for zooming in and out and is consistently
repeatable although it does seem to confuse itself occasionally. The
scrolling has to be done in quick succession or zooming does not occur they
also have to be big scrolls. 

Ctrl + zoom is the same.

I find scroll zoom very useful and it would be good to have it sorted in
5.4.4 but I am afraid that is a bit beyond my meagre talents, sorry.




From: Therion [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf Of Bruce Mutton
Sent: 17 July 2019 09:27
To: 'List for Therion users' <therion@speleo.sk <mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Subject: Re: [Therion] XtTherion canvas zoom with the mouse wheel bug


I think this feature was implemented mid-2017, and it was about then that I
raised the issue
<https://www.mail-archive.com/therion@speleo.sk/msg06518.html>  of a bug
with canvas zooming and bitmap background images.

There were a couple of commits
<https://github.com/therion/therion/search?q=zoom&type=Commits>  to resolve
this 25 June 2018, and the effect for me since then has been is that mouse
wheel zooming has been non-existent (although the code edits suggest
something should happen on wheel rotation).

So I am intrigued that you say it is working, even if very slowly.  I seem
to recall that the functionality was;


Ctrl+mouse-wheel to zoom in and out the XTherion canvas.


Currently version 5.4.4+bd62e22 does not respond at all to this control (and
it does it quickly ie no hint that a redraw is being attempted or that there
is an error condition).  Same behaviour for all versions (on Windows 10)
since 25 June 2018.  So what am I missing? How does one activate the mouse
wheel scrolling?  It is a nice feature (so long as its not too slow as Nick
has experienced).




From: Therion <therion-boun...@speleo.sk <mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk>
> On Behalf Of Nick Bairstow
Sent: Wednesday, 17 July 2019 07:54
To: therion@speleo.sk <mailto:therion@speleo.sk> 
Subject: Re: [Therion] XtTherion canvas zoom with the mouse wheel bug


5.4.4 seems to have cured this very annoying issue (so hard not to scroll)
but now with this latest release any scrolling is so ridiculously slow on my
Windows machine, I'm going back to 5.4.1 which scrolled fine. I will dig out
a none scroll wheel mouse for the few times I have to use a scanned image.




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