Hi Bill,

it looks you have not defined „extend“ of centerline in your centerline data. 

Because extend right is default Therion will extend your stations form OC5a to 
the right, but it has to close the loop and there should be the problem.

Your scrap extended Profile-OC5a-G10 includes stations OC5a to G10, stations 
OC5a-G are extended to East but stations C9 and C10 are extended to West.

Try to divide that loop to two scraps from OC5a to G8 and G8 to G14 and add 
extend commands. Not use join commands for first elevation export.

 extend right
OC5a  G1     19.6   134     3.0    314    -3.0   1.0 9.8 18.7 3.5
  G1    G2     20.4   133    29.0    313   -28.0   3.0 6.6 17.3 4.2
  G2    G3     21.2   125    13.0    306   -13.0   2.3 3.0 9.3 6.4
  G3    G4     22.6    60     4.0    239    -5.0   6.2 2.0 4.8 2.4
  G4    G5      4.5    48   -10.0    228    10.0   2.6 1.7 1.2 0.3
  G5    G6     12.3   101    18.0    281   -18.0   1.5 1.5 7.2 0.3
  G6    G7      9.0   127     7.0    308    -7.0   7.3 16.2 5.1 2.0
  G7    G8     10.9    44    -8.0    225     8.0   12.8 10.4 4.1 2.3
  extend left
G8    G9      8.5   335   -15.0    157    16.0   8.5 27.4 2.7 3.1
  G9    G10    15.5   307    -1.0    128.5   1.0   3.4 3.9 0.7 0.8
  G10   G11    32.0   267    -1.5     88.5   2.0   7.4 5.6 0.5 1.0
  G11   G12    21.8   262     0.0     81     0.0   1.7 4.8 1.5 1.4
  G12   G13     5.7   246     6.0      -    -6.0   1.8 3.0 1.0 2.0
  G13   G14    13.9   236   -61.0     57    62.0   - - - -
  extend hide 
G14   G1      5.9     -   -32.0    220    32.0   - - - -
flags splay
  G1    G1a    12.9   200    -6.0      -     6.0   20.0 20.0 17.3 4.2
  G7    G7a    18.4   249    12.0      -   -12.0   10.4 12.8 4.1 2.3
flags not splay

Add command select to your thconfig file

source StarkCaverns.th

select StarkCavernsProfiles@StarkCavernsProfiles

# Load the Metapost code for custom symbols

and add to scrap  G10-G14 (G8-G14) parameter -flip horizontal, because in 
output it should be flipped.


Attachment: StarkCavernsElevations-G10-G14.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: StarkCavernsElevations-OC5a-G10.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

And after some editing:

Attachment: StarkCavernsElevations-OC5a-G14.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

> 6. 9. 2019 v 16:09, Bill Gee <b...@campercaver.net>:
> Hi Martin -
> This is a commercial cave - there are no secrets!  The attached ZIP file has 
> the thconfig, .th, .th2 and centerline data files for the whole project.
> -- 
> Bill Gee
> On Friday, September 6, 2019 8:50:38 AM CDT Martin Sluka via Therion wrote:
>> Bill, 
>> may you publish all your data? Or send it privately?
>> Martin
>>> 6. 9. 2019 v 15:47, Bill Gee <b...@campercaver.net>:
>>> Hello everyone -
>>> I have not been putting elevation profiles on my maps for several years 
>>> because it is such a pain to do in Therion.  The time has come where I need 
>>> to start adding them to several maps in progress.  
>>> In the past I have defined the profile scraps as type "elevation" and given 
>>> them a viewpoint angle.  The profile I am working on now will not work for 
>>> that because it basically goes around in a circle.  There is no viewpoint 
>>> angle where the entire profile lays out in a line.  The plan view is a loop.
>>> So for this one I defined the scrap as type "extended".  Holy cow, that 
>>> makes a mess of things!  Take a look at the attached file.  This is so 
>>> distorted it is hard to figure out how it relates to the drawing!  The 
>>> stations in this profile go about 3/4 of the way around the circle.  The 
>>> upper half of the resulting map is upside down and magnified about 5 times 
>>> larger than it should be.
>>> What am I missing???  Do I correctly understand that an "extended" scrap 
>>> should draw just the way it appears on the original sketch?  How should I 
>>> be drawing
>>> Maybe I should completely skip using elevations.  I can probably make them 
>>> work by drawing as cross-sections.  Indeed, that might be easier to fit 
>>> onto the final map.  I think the only real problem there is whether 
>>> cross-section scraps can be joined.
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