
I have create the following 52 new symbols for Therion:

                                  Therion symbol set     Topodroid symbol group


altar                                     EGB                    anthro

archeo-excavation                         EGB                    extra

audio                                     EGB                    extra

bat                                       EGB                    extra

bone                                      EGB                    extra

curtains                                  UIS                    extra

danger                                    EGB                    speleo

disc-stalactite                           UIS                    extra

eletric-light                             EGB                    anthro

ex-voto                                   EGB                    anthro

gate                                      EGB                    anthro

helictites                                UIS                    extra

human-bone                                EGB                    extra

masonry                                   EGB                    anthro

minus                                     EGB                    speleo

mud                                       EGB                    speleo

mud-crack                                 EGB                    extra

nameplate                                 EGB                    anthro

pendant                                   EGB                    extra

photo                                     EGB                    extra

pillar-with-curtains                      UIS                    extra

pillars-with-curtains                     UIS                    extra

plus                                      EGB                    speleo

plus-minus                                EGB                    speleo

seed-germination                          EGB                    extra

stalactite-stalagmite                     UIS                    extra

stalactites-stalagmites                   UIS                    extra

tree-trunk                                EGB                    extra

volcano                                   EGB                    extra

walkway                                   EGB                    anthro

walkway-metalic                           EGB                    anthro

walkway-soil                              EGB                    anthro

walkway-stone                             EGB                    anthro

walkway-wood                              EGB                    anthro

water-drip                                EGB                    speleo


abyss-entrance                            UIS                    extra

dripline                                  UIS                    extra

fault                                     UIS                    extra

joint                                     UIS                    extra

low-ceiling                               UIS                    extra

pit-chimney                               UIS                    extra

walkway                                   EGB                    anthro

walkway-metalic                           EGB                    anthro

walkway-soil                              EGB                    anthro

walkway-stone                             EGB                    anthro

walkway-wood                              EGB                    anthro


mud-crack                                 EGB                    extra

pillar                                    UIS                    extra

pillar-with-curtains                      UIS                    extra

stalactite                                UIS                    extra

stalactite-stalagmite                     UIS                    extra

stalagmite                                UIS                    extra

I would like to offer them to be included in Therion's source code.

My suggestion it to incorporate them Therion distributed in 2 symbol sets: the 
existing UIS one and on a new one to be called EGB.

The ones to go to UIS have their images inspired by similar symbols from UIS. 
The ones to go to EGB are ones that I can't identify some already existing 
symbol set to receive them so I am proposing a new symbol set named EGB (for 
Espeleo Grupo de Brasília = Brasilia's Speleo Group, my speleo group) as many 
of these symbols were demanded by some fellow members of EGB.

This is my suggestion but obvioulsy we can choose any other path, for example:

-  distribue them differently among symbol set's;

-  incorporate just some of them in Therion's source code;

-  not incoporate any of them (I would distribute them as stadalone files to be 
used by the interested parties as user symbols).

As I mentioned, we can follow any prefered path.

Please let me know if the idea is to incorporate them in Therio's source code, 
as I would have to adapt them because, right now they are formated as 
standalone user symbols.

Please advise.


Rodrigo Severo

P.S.: The "Topodroid symbol group" mentioned on the table above is the symbol 
group where each symbol resides in Topodroid. I bet this info isn't actually 
relevant to Therion but I decided to include it for completeness.
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