Regarding the map-image: As far as I know, Therion will not produce a JPG file. 
 However ...

It is quite easy to turn a PDF into a JPG, especially on Linux.  Once that is 
done, then any decent photo editor can crop it.  The legend will be a problem.  
I suppose you could crop out two sections (the legend and the cave portion you 
want) and paste them into a single image.

On Linux you need the ImageMagick package.  Most distributions include it as a 
base item.  With that you use the "convert" command:

        convert -density 300 -rotate 90 infile.pdf outfile.jpg

-density sets the dots-per-inch in the output file.  -rotate rotates the image 
90 degrees before saving. 

Convert has hundreds of options  Spend some time with the man page.

There is a Windows version of ImageMagick.

Bill Gee

On Monday, December 2, 2019 2:12:57 PM CST Tarquin Wilton-Jones via Therion 
> Hi folks,
> When you colour a survey by depth (color map-fg altitude), it colours it
> based on the scraps that have been selected. This is normally useful.
> When you produce an output with only one part of the survey (eg. a
> zoomed-in section of a more complex part of the survey), however, it
> would be more useful to be able to keep it the same colour as it was in
> the larger survey, so that a viewer can quickly see which part of the
> cave they are looking at, and see that the colours match. (My own
> use-case is different, but the solution would be the same.)
> Is there, for example, a way to say this:
> layout local
>   color map-fg altitude
> endlayout
> source ""
> select subsectio...@subsection.cave
> altitude-relative caveMP@cave
> export map -proj plan -layout plan -o "cave.pdf"
> Alternatively, is there a way to add scraps belonging to the highest
> points and lowest points into the map, but not have them render, while
> still being used for altitude colouring (this seems like a hack rather
> than being a dedicated solution).
> Alternatively (and I know this will seem a little out of place here, but
> it is an alternative solution for what I need), is there a way to import
> a map-image, and crop it to only include a portion of the image?
> Cheers!
> Tarquin
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