Hi folks (and particularly Stacho),

Just trying to revive an idea we had last year, which solves a
significant problem; drawing cross sections through multiple
passages/stations. The idea is to be able to select a subset of legs and
splays from a survey, for export (eg. as an XVI).


group foo
2 3 2.706 351.41 -77.19
3 - 0.440 232.38 13.38
3 - 0.824 193.77 56.68
3 - 0.648 149.94 47.91

And in .thconfig:

source "cave.th"
select f...@survey1.cave
select b...@survey1.cave
select b...@survey2.cave
export map -projection [elevation 180] -fmt xvi -output "sections_a.xvi"

Can anyone see any better ways to do this with existing stuff, or should
I keep trying to persuade someone to implement it?

Stacho, would you be able to say if such a thing would actually be
possible to implement?


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