> You are right. It could be very useful in simple passages. But in your
> case I’ll divide sketch to three pieces first and try to use “extra”
> points when LRUD are available.

Ah yes, doing it as separate scraps is a lot less messy. Though in the
end you then probably have to keep using multiple scraps, even if the
idea was to warp it into a nice shape so you can draw it up as a single

I tested out the "sketch-warp" option (that goes directly in the
.thconfig file, not inside the layout). "plaquette" gave a very good
resulting shape for my demo case (and was really fast!), but made the
lines jagged and hard to see. "linear" preserved the sketch best but
caused more distortion. "point" took forever, but the result was
absolutely excellent. It is interesting to me that the default "line"
gave the worst result of all options.

The Therion book does not mention "linear" or "point", and could do with
an update. I found more details on this very old tutorial:

Torsten, that article is a treasure trove for you!

> Note: You may change order of morphed sketches and xvi with splay shots,
> centreline and xvi mesh, switch visibility on/off, move them to exact
> coordinates in “Background sketches” part of Map editor.

Are these documented anywhere? Specifically how to use the options.

I can see the "point extra" options in the linked article above, but not
how to use the coordinates or visibility.

Feeling like I must have missed something, since the Therion book
doesn't mention "background sketches" at all, and only describes setting
<x> and <y> coordinates for the scrap's -sketch option. I am guessing
that x/y lets you offset the sketch to a more useful location relative
to your stations (though I have no idea why you would need to).
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