> As far as I am aware, the last called layout or statement always wins.
> Certainly since I started using the recipe I have not noticed any
> problems, and my layouts occasionally have conflicting parameters for a
> particular setting (which is why I originally had problems – I was not
> rigorous about call order).
> Seems to conflict with your experience, maybe mine are simpler?

Affirmative, what I am seeing conflicts with the statement you made on
the wiki.

Your example seems not to have two "copied" layouts arguing with each
other. But the written text claims that what I am seeing is not what
should be happening. Thus I assume this is a bug. I would love to have a
more definitive "It is supposed to work like [blah]", so I know what bug
report to file though. It is fairly evident that having the "copy"
commands being executed in the specified order is best. However,
arguments could be made in both directions for whether statements before
a copy should override the copy.

> (I don’t see an endlayout for your layout third – could that be something)

There is one. Or at least, I can see it. o_O


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