Hi Anton

I'm using following format for diving surveys and don't get this 
"non-interleaved" message.
data diving from to length compass backcompass fromdepth todepth left right up 
1   2   5.37   308   -   0.0   1.5 [ 1.0 1.0] [ 1.0 1.0] [ 1.0 1.0] [ 1.0 1.0]

I'm using LRUD like above with data at from-station and to-station.
For me it gives a better looking xvi file with side messurements.

> A.M. van Rosmalen <a.m.vanrosma...@gmx.net> hat am 13.07.2022 11:14 CEST 
> geschrieben:
> Dear Therionners,
> This is a sample of my centerline data:
>  data diving station depth length bearing
>         GTENC0001        36.3    0.45    257.6
>         GTENC0002        36.2    0.26    248.6
>         GTENC0003        36.2    0.52    233.3
> Simple and straightforward as this may seem, Therion just spits it
> back into my face saying:
> -- non-interleaved data before newline -- length
> The following works (this is the format I use when processing a
> limited amount of survey data), but obviously this sucks balls when
> processing large amounts of data (I have 1000 lines of computer
> generated survey data in this centerline)
>     data diving station depth left right up down ignore newline \
>                     length bearing ignoreall
>     GdB09  30.0  -   -   2.7 0  [T, White arrow #4]
>        10    204
>     GdB08  30.6  3   0   2   0.5 [T, White arrow #3]
>        17    265
> It seems I'm too stupid to understand why there needs to be a newline
> before length.
> Can anyone tell me what I'm not understanding / what I'm doing wrong /
> how to work around this apparently useless newline requirement?
> Cheers,
> Anton
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