On 2022-09-14 21:11 +0000, Rodrigo Severo via Therion wrote:
>    Development of Mapiah has halted.

That's a pity. 

>    After some talks during the last ICS, the idea seems to be to convert
>    WTherion to a Electron app and further develop it.

Both the electron-baed apps I use have a fundamental problem: select
and paste does not work (either in or out). (i.e. It does not
correctly deal with unix/X two different cut buffers.)  This would be
a serious problem for Therion use IMHO. I presume this can be fixed
but I'd recomend checking that before going too far down this road.

If this is something fundamental in the design of electron (or
upstream refuse to fix it for some reason) then we still need some
other solution for desktop use.

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM
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