Jeff Franks schrieb:
> Benedikt Meurer wrote:
>>>The website is written in strict XHTML and CSS. It's fully working, 
>>>including hyperlinks. The only thing missing is more information. The 
>>>color scheme is from Benedikt's personal web page. I figured if he liked 
>>>that color scheme it was good enough for Thunar.
>>Wow. Really good work. Just two things: It's too large (as Jasper
>>already mentioned), it should fit into a 890x670 firefox window. And for
>>official screenshots, please use one of the Clearlooks themes, as it
>>gives a clean and neutral look.
>>Besides that. Great work. Thanks.
> Benedikt, Jasper,
> I'm just about finished the new layout pages using NO TABLES. I'm trying 
> to choose the minimum web page width to minimize ugly overlap of page 
> elements when the browser window is narrowed. Just out of curiosity why 
> does the page have to fit into an 890x670 firefox window?  To set one 
> mimimum width across all elements I have placed the entire <body> 
> </body> in a #container element. If I set the minimum width for this 
> container to 890px will that be about right?

Don't use fixed sizes (px). It's almost as ugly as tables layouts.
Instead, try using % and em.

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